OOC Recruiting - We need males. MALES MALES MALES - Stormswept Heights


Falling Farther In
Oct 6, 2001
So the thread is a bit more romantic than many guys would choose, and so far it is a lady's playground.... but I figure somewhere out there, there HAS to be a gentlemen or two, who isn't afraid of playing a gentleman who is a bit naughty.

Please see the ooc thread if you are interested :) We are seeking male servants for the house, stable boys, gardeners, anything else you could think of.

Plenty of eager ladies, currently fighting over two men. ;)
wuthering heights it ain't

but i don't wnt to wuther!!! If this is a period piece, well spoken, romantic i can live with, gentler verbage and adverbs, i would be interested. trying to hone the wordsmiths art, have a decent command, would love to give it a go.

Perhaps something on the order of

Stanley Upton Sinclair, mid 30's dashing in the usual way , firm of body, perhaps a bit full of himself, well meaning, educated in the best schools, money, reasonably well found, not unconscionably so. Fancies himself in business, but has yet to apply himself to the family efforts, an old money, well established trading house with connections world wide., particularly the far east.

If the bugger sounds like he might do you, then please rsvp at your earliest convenience, and I'll have my solicitors draw up the paperwork.
Untill then,
I remain your servant,
S.U. Sinclair ESQ.

If you need more men, perhaps a gardener. I was thinking along the lines of Lady Chatterly's Lover. Wood Barkely ( the victim of a father not above insulting puns) is an earthly man, simple in his tastes of food, work and women. Somewhat surly, he is not reckless, well aware of the class distinctions that surround him. Resentful of his upper class employers, he's not fool enough to voice those resentments out loud. An observer of human behavior, but a keeper of secrets, he despises his employers while surrepticiously admiring their bodies. Physically, Woods is strong, dark and tall for the age he inhabits, towering physically over his social betters. He prefers the loneliness of his profession over the fawning subservience of the house servants.

If a little class conflict interests you, let me know and I'll jump right in
Thanks to everyone who has responded :) We should have enough males now to make the thread more balanced.

Stable boy available!

... if you want me, that is.

Richard "Dick" Brown, 21yo, normal build with wild red hair.
He's a local boy, but new on the mansion. Lives in a room in the stable, tendering the horses. He's a bit childish, but good with horses. He likes to fool around, and is definitely not a novice when it comes to sex. Girls (women) have a tendency to seek out his huge member, that occasionaly get's exposed (more or less intentional) in their presence. Those lower class women in the neighbourhood that haven't seen or touched it at least know it by rumour, a rumour that's beginning to spread up the ladder as well...

May I join?