OOC: Osman Khan - A Sultan's Tale


Weaver of Dreams
May 21, 2001

A young woman in south central France woke with the word burning in her mind. The year is 1305; eleven years before a man named Osman Khan Ghazi would seize the Byzantine city of Bursa in 1326 and establish the Ottoman Empire. The woman knows all of this and more for future events unfolded themselves to her in a terrible dream.

She is Cécile Marie Massicôte, the eighteen-year-old daughter of a miller. At first light, she sets off towards Avignon on her family’s only horse. Across the field of lavender she flies, thinking God sends her on this mission.

Cécile gains a Papal audience with ease, having thrice predicted and prevented assassination attempts on Pope Clement V. On bent knee, she tells the Holy Father of her dream - A crushing force has already been born, one bred from the Devil’s own hoards from the East. Unless stopped, this threat would spread like a disease, growing into an empire that would stamp out the Bzyantium Empire and eventually threaten the whole of the continent. Cécile tells of the man she saw in her dream, the founder of a dynasty,

Within one of the keenest minds the world has ever known, a plot is hatched. Should it succeed, the Church will have prevented a great catastrophe. If the scheme fails, history will never tell of the Pope’s involvement. Clement recognizes Cécile’s value, seeing how a single woman could succeed where an army could not.

Thus Cécile is put into training, for on that day she was pressed into the service of Mother Church. She must assassinate Osman Khan Ghazi and his successors. In doing so, she would halt the founding of the Ottoman Empire. It is a heavy burden to fall upon the shoulders of a girl so young, but she does not go into battle without weapons. By birth, she has been given one of the most deadly, an uncommon beauty. Hair of strawberry blonde and eyes the color of lavender in full bloom, she is an exotic even in her native France. From the Holy Father, she receives the remainder of her armaments.

For a full year, Cécile does naught but train and learn. Her soft body grows strong as she trains in all matter of arms. She is taught to read as well as to speak the native tongue of the invaders. To prepare her completely, Cécile is put in the hands of two gypsies, twins who teach the young girl how to please a man and a woman in every way imaginable. Though the lessons leave Cécile a skilled courtesan, her virginity remains intact. A necessity if she is to appeal to the Sultan.

Finally, Pope Clement deems her ready. Cécile has been honed to a razor’s edge, a fitting weapon to act in God’s name. She will hold the knife that will stop the spread of the Ottoman Empire before it even begins.


This thread will take place in the year, 1306 in the city of Bapheus. In 1302, Osman expanded beyond his hereditary lands, by defeating that city. The central location will be a Byzantine palace that Osman seized and the harem he established there. Important characters will include:

Osman Khan Ghazi (Captain B) – The central figure in this tale, he is 47 years old in 1306. Osman succeeded his father to a small territory granted by the Seljuk Turks and he will follow the gazi tradition of expanding and enriching his empire, eventually becoming the founder of the Ottoman Empire. When he not plotting strategy, he retreats to his harem for solace. He has a great love of the arts, being very much what would later be called, “A Renaissance Man.”

Cécile Marie Massicôte (Honey B) – Although she succeeds in murdering Osman's first 3 sons, she does not assassinate Osman, finding the task difficult. After all, history tells us that her task was not successful. Perhaps she was seduced by both the man and his culture.

Orhan Ghazi (Subo97) – Osman’s fourth son, he manages to escape Cécile by outwardly eschewing all desire for power. He revels in the exquisite pleasures of the harem, leading a life of carefree debauchery as he waits silently for his chance. Orhan is 22 at the time of the thread. He will eventually becomes Osman's successor.

Ahkben Mahalla Ahmor (LongWalkHome) – Ahmor is the Captain of the Gazi. The order takes its name from Osman and these soldiers make up the Sultan’s elite guard. His role will be to ferret out the person responsible for murdering the members of the royal family.

Orhan’s mother (ARaynes) – I have not been able to find her name, but she must have existed and have been a wife of Osman’s. I put her age at 35. As a wife, she would have a measure of power over the concubines as well as Osman’s ear.

Mariette (DeliciousMaiden) - Another foreign-born concubine to act as Cécile’s confidante and plaything to the other characters.

Asli (Annabelllee) - A Turkish concubine, bent on destroying the infidels who befoul the bed of her master.

These are only the characters that I feel are necessary for the central story, but there can be many others. I hope this story will have all the decadent excess one images of thread set in a harem. Aside from the main plot, sub-plots and intrigue would abound in such a place, depending on what other characters are added.

Please post your character descriptions here. I will be starting the thread shortly. Feel free to use this thread for discussion and questions. I will be posting some information regarding the time period as well.

Happy Writing!
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Here are some of the websites I used while coming up with the idea for this thread.


-- A very comprehensive and beautifully illustrated site. This one had detailed information about the Harem and Osman himself.


-- Lots of information here! It is indeed everything you wanted to know about Turkey, but were afraid to ask. Great information on the Ottomans.


-- The reader's digest version of the period.


-- Historical map of Turkey


-- Modern map of Turkey
Here's a photo of the Topkapi Palace as it appears today. Picture our thread taking place in a slightly smaller version.

In Awe...

Hello to one and all -

Thank you for your initial posts. Quite simply I am in awe by their quality. It's obvious the amount of effort that went into each one. You humble me with your contributions. Please know that I mean each word sincerely. It will be a joy to work with each and everyone of you.


*shucks Honey B*

you are most welcome.

And after the wonderfully researched and written beginning you gave us... How could we not?

Although the research the others did rather put mine to shame...
(sheepish grin!)

This is already fun!
Osman Khan

I, for one, am having a blast, writing and learning at the same time. If I could only convince my students that research is this much fun,lol.
Same here, my knowlegde of this time period was pretty much limited to Sinbad fighting stop-motion cyclops. Thanks, Honey, for providing the info to inspire us! :D
{{{{ huggs Honey }}}}

Thanks for the invitation!

SSShhhhh... don't tell anyone, but I'm making it up as I go along ... and reading like crazy!

DM x
Harem musings

I just wanted to ask for clarification on the "rules of the house." The reference sites say that no man could lay his eyes on another man's harem, except for the Chief Eunuch (Kizlar Agha). I think we're assuming that the sultan's sons are allowed to see at least their mother, possibly more due to special privileges, and apparently the captain is allowed to see some of the harem also.

We all probably read this already, but it bears saying aloud, especially since I'm uncertain about what it means. I believe there are different "degrees" of harems. The general harem is simply the women's quarter. The Imperial harem consists of the households of the Queen Mother, the Sultan's favourites (hasekis), the rest of his concubines, and his daughters' households. The regular odalisques are actually servants, but usually don't even see the sultan unless they are worthy of being trained as a concubine.

My questions are:
- Is the harem only for the khan's use? Or are the odalisques for other's pleasure? "In contrast to the odalisques, a sultan's concubines were considered his wives." It seems that permits Orhan to be with the women and not worry about messing with his father's property. Is it okay as long as he doesn't take one of his actual wives? What about other males of the court? Of course, this could also be part of the political intrigue.

Interesting side note which some of you may already know but I just discovered: The title of sultan first appeared on coins minted by Orhan after he succeeded Osman. Before that, his kind were just called Khan (with or without Ricardo Montalban's pecs). But since this is fantasy, we can let that slide, eh?

HoneyB, we need your learned input on the ins and outs (heh) of the harem rules, please.
Thank you for the intelligent questions, Captain. Let me see if I can give you my perspective.

According to The Encyclopedia of World History, not much has been written about the pre-empire period. It should be noted, however, that during the time period of our thread, the Ottomans were in transition, going from a pastoral society to the structured Empire society. I haven't been able to find a description of what Osman's court might have looked like at this time, but I imagine this is when many of the traditions you stated were put into place. Because of this, we have a lot of leeway and it was one of the attractions for me of this specific time.

I've taken a few liberties. Normally the title of valide would be given to the mother of a Sultan only when he became Sultan. However, seeing as I couldn't find any reference to Osman's mother, I've given the title and her powers to ARaynes character. As Orhan's mother, she would have eventually become the valide anyway.

I have put the eunuchs under the control of LWH's character. The Captain of the Gazi would have been responsible for maintaining the safety of Osman's household. This would give him access to the Harem even though his presence would have been forbidden in later years. On a side note: The Captain would most likely be a kinsman to Osman.

You are correct in that concubines were considered the wives of the Sultan. However, in Islam, there are two types of marriages. One is similiar to the western idea of a marriage. The Koran states that a man may marry up to four women in this way. The marriage occurs after a very formal ceremony that can be equated with a wedding.

The other type of marriage, called a mut'a is a secondary form of marriage in that it is temporary. This is what existed between concubine and master. A mut'a begins with a simple exchange of words and can end as simply. Witnesses are not required. I will have to look up the words that are said by the man and woman. It's interesting to note that mut'a is still practiced today by Shia muslims. Children born of such unions would be considered legitimate. The time period of a mut'a is arbitrary, but usually must extend to a woman's next period (to makes sure she was not pregnant). During the time of a mut'a, a concubine would be the wife of the Sultan and would be untouchable as such. If a concubine became a favorite, the length of the mut'a would become much longer.

For the purposes of this thread, those concubines in a state of mut'a will be considered forbidden to other male characters. When the mut'a ends, the character becomes available to others. Kadin (or favorites) are assumed to be in mut'a.

Of course, just because something is forbidden, doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just sets the stage for some wonderful intrigue as some characters may have to meet in secret.

Thank you for the note regarding the term, Sultan. It shows that this period is different in many ways from what the Ottoman Empire grew to become.

I encourage the other participants to weigh in with their opinions.
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FYI: Clothing for Woman

I found the following information on a historical clothing website. It details the clothing worn by women during our time period.

"The main items were the salvar (ankle-length trousers - pronounced shal-vhaar), gömlek (under tunic - pronounced ghoem-lhekh), hirka (cardigan - pronounced kher-kah), entari (gown - pronounced aehn-tah-ree) which could sometimes be called a kaftan (caftan - pronounced khahf-tahn) and ferace (overmantle - pronounced feh-rah-djeh) which was for wearing outdoors. Apart from the quality of the fabrics, there was little difference in style or articles of dress between rich and poor, nor between those of Muslim or non-Muslim women."

Thanks for the info, guys. Honey_B, it's always nice to know just waht a man has to get off his concubine,lol.

I have one question. Am I to assume all three of Orhan's brothers have the same mother as him? I fear I may have insinuated in a post that they did not, but it's a small thing and can be overlooked. At any rate, Orhan is off to see dear mama.