Armageddon Gospel is a roleplaying game based upon the novel of the same name. It is based in a post-apocalyptic future where mankind must fight against a cruel and dangerous world to survive. Unlike most post-apocalypse stories however, Armageddon Gospel has a slight twist.
The world did not end by the hand of man, but by the hand of God.
Instead of a grotesquely irradiated world where the sons of men do battle with the children of the atom, mankind must fight simply to survive as the armies of Lucifer and the Almighty tear earth apart in their neverending battle.
A more poetic description of the story thus far... will appear at the beginning of the A.G. (as I have come to call it) thread. Here, I just want to guide prospective players in how to roleplay in A.G. as the differences between it and traditional fantasy make for a slightly different game.
Magic exists...Any character you can think up from any of your favorite RPG's can easily exist in this world and that includes the magic-heavy ones. However, due to mankind having a can of otherworldly whoop-ass opened on it when the seals were broken, magic is not widely embraced. In fact, most magic-users are killed as adolescents before they can fully hone their powers. The good news is that you can use magic to free the village from the grip of the tyranical warlord who oppresses them. The bad news is that they'll probably try to hang you afterwards...just to be safe.
Technology exists...But pretty much in the same vein as magic. Still stinging from God's wrath, most people distrust anything that isn't powered by a beast of burden. However, there are some societies that are trying to reclaim their world through machines but even the most advanced of these forward-thinking peoples haven't progressed past the steam age. If you were hoping for a cyborg or a hacker, or something of that type...sorry. However, if you wanted to be a gun-toting bandit who's got a few spells up their sleeve...then go for it.
It's an open game. Hey, have fun. Just try to remember the guidelines so that everyone else can to.
Post a Bio here before entering the thread if you like. It isn't neccessary, but it's preferable to breaking the flow of the story with your character's height, weight, eye color, favorite food, high school transcripts, etc.
Well, that's about it. This is my first RPG on lit so I decided to go with something I love. I hope you all enjoy.
*shameless plug alert*
By the way, I'm the author of Armageddon Gospel. Due in bookstores December 2003