Only in America - could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

You don't have an income.. You're one of the 47%.
You're part of the 47% and you're shrinking the labor force. Get a job and lose 40 lbs.

since you are such a moronic socialist, why don't you pay your fair share?

stop bitching about getting your dirty greedy hands on other people's money, and do something to make the world better. stop consuming, consumer goods. stop playing stupid video games like a little bitch and pay your fair share

government dipshit
since you are such a moronic socialist, why don't you pay your fair share?

stop bitching about getting your dirty greedy hands on other people's money, and do something to make the world better. stop consuming, consumer goods. stop playing stupid video games like a little bitch and pay your fair share

government dipshit

Why do you care about tax rates? They could be 100% and you wouldn't pay a penny more.
Why do you care about tax rates? They could be 100% and you wouldn't pay a penny more.

when will your kind start to pay your fair share? when will you stop raping the tax payer? yeah i know, its not your money that you waste at work day out
Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

Without getting drawn in to the debate on whether the rich should or should not pay relatively more taxes, I offer the following observations:

1. This same tax debate is happening across the western world (at least), so I don't know why you say "Only in America". I think you would hear similar arguments in a wide selection of countries.

2. For the basis of making fair comparisons, you should quote the values of TOTAL taxes paid by whichever groups you want to divide people into. Income taxes are not the only taxes people pay.

Hmm, I just noticed this thread is not very erotic so far. Mmmm, sexy taxes.

The rich should pay more taxes. Thats not the problem. The problem is what the Gov. is doing with that money.
Jen's secretly a communist since she gives away her shitty writing for free.

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35,000 Rich People Aren't Paying Any Income Tax? How Is That Possible?

Matthew O'BrienJun 6 2012, 3:25 PM ET



It turns out that the rich aren't different from you and me. They're not paying their federal income taxes, either.

Some of them, anyway. The chart below, via Felix Salmon, gives us an idea of how has changed over the past two decades. The light blue line shows the number of taxpayers making $200,000 or more who don't pay any federal income taxes. Notice the sharp tick up since 2007.


First, a big caveat. Only a very, very small percentage of top earners have zero federal income tax liability -- 0.88 percent in 2009, to be exact. Still, how do these lucky duckies pull it off? The chart below from the IRS helpfully breaks down which loopholes and deductions have driven this trend.


This tells us what's happening now, but it doesn't tell us why things are changing now. Without similar data for past years, it's hard to say exactly why more rich taxpayers aren't paying federal income tax payers today. Although we can certainly speculate. This looks like a story about the Great Recession -- remember, this data is from 2008 and 2009. Maybe rich taxpayers suffered bigger tax deductible losses. Or maybe they shifted their investment portfolios towards less risky, and tax-free, municipal bonds.

Whatever the case, the ranks of the rich among the notorious 47 percent of households that don't pay any federal income tax is on the rise. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Eric Cantor to explain that it's only fair for them to have some skin in the game too.

Don't Be Shocked, But The Wealthy Aren't Paying Their Fair Share

By Diane Sweet


Hopefully we'll hear these statistics from an annual IRS report cited frequently during the 2012 campaign season. These shocking numbers emphasize the vast divide of income disparity between the 1 percent and the 99% of Americans:

In addition to the six who paid no tax, another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes. That’s the same federal tax rate as a single worker who made $61,500 in 2009.

Overall, the top 400 paid an average income tax rate of 19.9 percent, the same rate paid by a single worker who made $110,000 in 2009. The top 400 earned five times that much every day.

Let’s return for a moment to the single worker who made $61,500 in 2009 and paid 15 percent of his salary in federal income taxes. The top 400 made more every three hours than he did in a year, and yet many of them paid the same or a lower tax rate, according to the data in the report.

Why would anyone vote for a candidate who would continue to favor only a very small portion of Americans? Surely there are Republicans out there who fall into this income bracket, and they can't all be sadomasochists... can they?

wow, you are a fucking idiot. have you ever had a job? have you ever made money?

I bet not.

Jen's secretly a communist since she gives away her shitty writing for free.

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35,000 Rich People Aren't Paying Any Income Tax? How Is That Possible?

Matthew O'BrienJun 6 2012, 3:25 PM ET



It turns out that the rich aren't different from you and me. They're not paying their federal income taxes, either.

Some of them, anyway. The chart below, via Felix Salmon, gives us an idea of how has changed over the past two decades. The light blue line shows the number of taxpayers making $200,000 or more who don't pay any federal income taxes. Notice the sharp tick up since 2007.


First, a big caveat. Only a very, very small percentage of top earners have zero federal income tax liability -- 0.88 percent in 2009, to be exact. Still, how do these lucky duckies pull it off? The chart below from the IRS helpfully breaks down which loopholes and deductions have driven this trend.


This tells us what's happening now, but it doesn't tell us why things are changing now. Without similar data for past years, it's hard to say exactly why more rich taxpayers aren't paying federal income tax payers today. Although we can certainly speculate. This looks like a story about the Great Recession -- remember, this data is from 2008 and 2009. Maybe rich taxpayers suffered bigger tax deductible losses. Or maybe they shifted their investment portfolios towards less risky, and tax-free, municipal bonds.

Whatever the case, the ranks of the rich among the notorious 47 percent of households that don't pay any federal income tax is on the rise. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Eric Cantor to explain that it's only fair for them to have some skin in the game too.

Don't Be Shocked, But The Wealthy Aren't Paying Their Fair Share

By Diane Sweet


Hopefully we'll hear these statistics from an annual IRS report cited frequently during the 2012 campaign season. These shocking numbers emphasize the vast divide of income disparity between the 1 percent and the 99% of Americans:

In addition to the six who paid no tax, another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes. That’s the same federal tax rate as a single worker who made $61,500 in 2009.

Overall, the top 400 paid an average income tax rate of 19.9 percent, the same rate paid by a single worker who made $110,000 in 2009. The top 400 earned five times that much every day.

Let’s return for a moment to the single worker who made $61,500 in 2009 and paid 15 percent of his salary in federal income taxes. The top 400 made more every three hours than he did in a year, and yet many of them paid the same or a lower tax rate, according to the data in the report.

Why would anyone vote for a candidate who would continue to favor only a very small portion of Americans? Surely there are Republicans out there who fall into this income bracket, and they can't all be sadomasochists... can they?

Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

Valid point.

We should have a "no representation, without taxation" policy. If you aren't paying anything in income tax you can't vote. :cool:
Valid point.

We should have a "no representation, without taxation" policy. If you aren't paying anything in income tax you can't vote. :cool:

if you go on welfare, you MUST surrender your "right" to vote. we can end the obama regime by cutting off obama's crack
how will take over America, China or Russia?

America is weak due to the obama spending and the obama welfare class. we must end both!

go on welfare, you lose your right to vote
Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

I accuse you of not paying taxes all the time and you have yet to claim you ever paid a penny. You pay no share.
yet, you have no proof of what you say ... so why should I show proof? You, are guilty till you prove yourself innocent

be careful, or the obama will send a drone to your house.

obama murdering machine regime! yes we can!

I accuse you of not paying taxes all the time and you have yet to claim you ever paid a penny. You pay no share.
yet, you have no proof of what you say ... so why should I show proof? You, are guilty till you prove yourself innocent

be careful, or the obama will send a drone to your house.

obama murdering machine regime! yes we can!

I got proof you can't write a story worth shit.:D
yet, you have no proof of what you say ... so why should I show proof? You, are guilty till you prove yourself innocent

be careful, or the obama will send a drone to your house.

obama murdering machine regime! yes we can!

I'm not asking you to prove anything. I'm asking you tell me if you ever paid taxes and what the job was.

You don't work and you don't pay taxes. If it's not true, just say so.
oh braman, put down your mothers bra....that's so not sexy

I'm sorry that your obama is an epic failure

sorry, that you are a lazy fool and feel entitled to entitlements
I'm not asking you to prove anything. I'm asking you tell me if you ever paid taxes and what the job was.

You don't work and you don't pay taxes. If it's not true, just say so.

Sadly, work way too many hours. sorry but your little theory is wrong, just like the obama
I'm not asking you to prove anything. I'm asking you tell me if you ever paid taxes and what the job was.

You don't work and you don't pay taxes. If it's not true, just say so.

After sucking krc dick you need shut the fuck up about anyone
I'm sorry that your obama is an epic failure

sorry, that you are a lazy fool and feel entitled to entitlements
hey stupid cunt do you even have a job where you pay taxes?
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Sadly, work way too many hours. sorry but your little theory is wrong, just like the obama

No, you don't work. You have no knowledge of any kind of business. Your posts prove that over and over again. Who on earth would hire you and what could you possibly do?

You are dependent on someone else for money.