One month sober today!


Really Really Experienced
Jan 1, 2010
I know I am not out of the woods yet, but I have hit the one month mark. It's getting easier, but it's still one day at a time. I didn't realize how much it was dulling my emotions and senses, I feel much better now (most of the time). Thanks for listening! :kiss:
Well done! I've been sober all this year, but that's just nine days so far. I intend to stay with it. Make sure you do too!
Congratulations, Kim!

One day at a time, and

May the universe grant me serenity,
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage, to change the things I can;
and wisdom, to know the difference.​

(And yes, that's a slightly altered version of the original, but I think it still works.)
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Good job, good effort. Have you got a sponsor?
well done,keep going,take one day as it comes and soon a whole month then 6 then a year will be behind you
Good job, good effort. Have you got a sponsor?

No, I don't, yet. My sobriety was "inspired" by my boyfriend, he said he will not date anyone with a drinking problem. So the problem is under control, for now. I am going to look into AA, but it makes me very nervous, but not as nervous as relapsing :eek:. I need a drink! J/K

A big (((HUG))) and thanks to everyone! :kiss:
Thanks for sharing, Kim. That is really good news - way to go. One day at a time.
AA (or other 12 step program) is not the *only* answer, but it is an answer that works for many.

Both of my parents were practicing alcoholics. Both grandfathers were as well. One grandfather and both parents found their sobriety through AA, the other grandfather did not.

As you said, take things one day at a time. It's the best way to travel through life - in the here and now. Best of luck in your continuing journey of sobriety! :D
CONGRATULATIONS! I always love hearing news like this. Keep a good attitude and stay away from temptation. Keep us updated on your progress. I'm sure others are planning or trying to quit. You could help someone else find the courage to quit. That's almost as cool as quitting yourself. :cool:
Well done! I've been sober all this year, but that's just nine days so far. I intend to stay with it. Make sure you do too!
It's great that you're sticking with it, too. I really think you both are taking a great step in your lives. Keep us updated on your progress, too. As I told Kim, you might give someone else the necessary courage to quit.
That's awesome! 7 years and going for my sobriety.

AA isn't the only resource but I STRONGLY urge you to find some sort of counseling, therapy or group setting in which you can talk to and make friends with other people who are experiencing sobriety. It helps a lot when you have someone to speak to about the urges and triggers.

I use Lit sort of as my "safe call". It helps. :heart:
Thanks everyone for the awesome encouragement, it means a lot :kiss:!!! Congratulations to those of you that have and are succeding. After going through marriage counseling I have a bad taste in my mouth for shrinks in general. You might think that it was because they said I was the bad person in the relationship. It was completely the opposite, they (two different ones) totally took my side when I was really the one to blame :(. But I digress, right now my boyfriend is my pseudo-sponsor, he is very good at keeping me on track. Thanks again, :heart:!
Congrats..don't be afraid to ask for help.... lots of support in the rooms...and suggest your bf go to alanon