Oh God...hic...thud...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Just coming up on the early evening news is that somebody has been caught at Gatwck Airport (one of the two major London airports) has just been caught carrying "possible" dangerous weapons in his briefcase...

OK the guy has got to be a cunt or mentally retarded to think he would get away with whatever he was trying to do or the British Government are cunts or collectively mentally retarded to think we believe the situation in the first place...

Whilst they were catching one cunt at Gatwick, the other cunts sent all of what's left of our armed forces to Heathrow...

It's sad really, really, sad...

p_p_man said:
Just coming up on the early evening news is that somebody has been caught at Gatwck Airport (one of the two major London airports) has just been caught carrying "possible" dangerous weapons in his briefcase...

The guy was a Venezaulan with a live hand grenade.

Two North Africans were detained at Heathrow too.
Re: Re: Oh God...hic...thud...

bluespoke said:
The guy was a Venezaulan with a live hand grenade.

Two North Africans were detained at Heathrow too.

Yeah thanks...

I've just caught up with that but I'll put it down to a mentally retarded cunt who was trying to prove a point...

I can't really see the attack on the WTC of 18 months ago, where whoever did it had an open door, being repeated by a Venezuelan cunt with a point to prove...

And according to SkyNews the two at Heathrow were unrelated to the incident...

What reasonable explanation is there for anyone wanting to fly into London with a live hand grenade in their luggage? It isn't as if they are difficult to get hold of in the UK. Why did the guy feel the need to fetch one with him?
Myrrdin said:
What reasonable explanation is there for anyone wanting to fly into London with a live hand grenade in their luggage? It isn't as if they are difficult to get hold of in the UK. Why did the guy feel the need to fetch one with him?

He has to be mentally deranged...

Certainly not a terrorist in my book...
