NYPD finest Blue bravely take down subway terrorist before he unleashes hidden sonic weaponry upon commuters

So we're supposed to support this guy based only on a bare bones narrative from his side, which is bias in his own favor? Sorry but I'm not going to get spun up about it unless you give me the whole story. This is THE big problem in our country. People see things that they agree with, but refuse to seek out any additional information on it because they are afraid it will refute what they WANT TO believe. Don't blame the Trumpets for blindly believing his unadulterated bullshit if you fall for the same tactic.

So we're supposed to support this guy based only on a bare bones narrative from his side, which is bias in his own favor? Sorry but I'm not going to get spun up about it unless you give me the whole story. This is THE big problem in our country. People see things that they agree with, but refuse to seek out any additional information on it because they are afraid it will refute what they WANT TO believe. Don't blame the Trumpets for blindly believing his unadulterated bullshit if you fall for the same tactic.

there's always more to a story; perhaps what he was doing was legally trespass or something, but you can't argue the optics of 6 cops tackling down this admittedly harmless-looking musician. Another story may unfold, but it looks as if he was upset they were taking away his musical instrument... for all we know, the sole source of his oncome. @ cops could have held him AND his instrument while another removed the dancing toys and lght box if they were the issue. It smacks of incompetence at best.
reading further posts about the guy, he's a talented, well-established musician whose music's enjoyed by lots of people as they commute. He normally operates in a different spot; perhaps he lacks a permit or something...most likely someone complained. There's a lot to be said for good community policing... this situation would likely never have happened.
there's always more to a story; perhaps what he was doing was legally trespass or something, but you can't argue the optics of 6 cops tackling down this admittedly harmless-looking musician. Another story may unfold, but it looks as if he was upset they were taking away his musical instrument... for all we know, the sole source of his oncome. @ cops could have held him AND his instrument while another removed the dancing toys and lght box if they were the issue. It smacks of incompetence at best.
Precisely my point. It was weighed on optics, not facts, on first impressions, not complete analysis, on what it was wanted to be and not what was reality. If the guy physically refused to go, and they had to arrest him (which seems to be the case here) while he was resisting, it's a lot less traumatic and damaging for him if 6 cops do it as opposed to two.

I'm all for holding police accountable IF they step outside the bounds of their job, but trying to brand them with a brutality charge, on the basis of a few seconds on a video with the only information being a narrative from the person being arrested, is just a bit too much, actually a lot too much, like bias propaganda for my taste.

who's trying to brand them with brutality???

i never once assumed from the videos, nor suggested, brutality... simply inefficiency and poor community service on the part of the cops, and zumi's text below the vid reads to me as wry humour in a ridiculous situation.
Thou rascal beadle, hold thy bloody hand!
Why dost thou lash that whore? Strip thine own back;
Thou hotly lust'st to use her in that kind
For which thou whipp'st her. The usurer hangs the cozener.
Through tatter'd clothes small vices do appear;
Robes and furr'd gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold,
And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks:
Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw does pierce it.
——King Lear