Non-Erotic Poetry is taking over

Lauren Hynde

Apr 11, 2002
I noticed it yesterday.

Today, there is a total of 10056 poems posted:

5005 under Erotic Poetry
23 under Illustrated Poetry
4980 under Non-Erotic Poetry
48 under Poetry With Audio

On the new poetry list, we have:

34 Erotic poems
108 Non-Erotic poems

I remember a time, not very long ago, when there was about twice has much Erotic poetry around as there was Non-Erotic. Now, it looks like it's a matter of hours before Non-Erotic becomes predominant.

Are we changing? And if so, are we getting better poems now than we were before?
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I think it's a cycle thing. Right now, events in the world make those who are poetic turn toward serious things.

The time will come when people will return to lighter subjects, but not too soon, I hope.

Maybe if people take some time off from a subject, they will come back to it with fresh ideas.
I think about 75% of the poetry I write is non erotic. There's just more non erotic things to write about.
guilty pleasure said:
Maybe the next challenge should stipulate eroticism?
Count me out.

Regards,                       Rybka
I never said this was a bad thing, though...

And I don't think we should mix theme with the titles. The challenge should stay like these for as long as it works.
I just posted 4 non-erotic to go with the 2 erotic poems previously posted. I dunno...I find it easier to write non-erotic poems and erotic stories.
I should have put 2 and 2 together... *chuckles*

By the way, the time is nigh: tomorrow is the day. I can feel it.
Actually, Judo, I found some of your last Non-Erotic poems to be quite arousing. (And I have had some second thoughts about some of mine)

Makes me wonder if some percentage of this Non-Erotic spree isn't really mislabeling.