Ninja Turtles: City of Mutants. (Check OOC before posting)


Many of One
Mar 22, 2002
OOC: Haveing returned from Demention X Shreder unleashed a new plan. Takeing Washington D.C. instead of New York. He's changed most of the inhabitants into mutants and now is planing to take over the rest of the U.S. with his new army of mutants. But before he dose that he has one other task in mind, destroying the turtles.

IC: New York: A loud ring comes threw all T.V.s in new york. Shreder has apeared on the screens. "Well Turtles. I have escaped from Demention X. And I have already conquered the capital of America. If you think you can stop me come and try."

Technodrom: "This time I can't fell. When those turtles come here they'll all be finished." 'How is this plan going to work Boss?' rocksteady asks. "Simple, one of Krangs new envetions. A chip that lets me control any who I've implanted it in. I'll have an army of mutants by the time they get here."

*Early in the morning, Leonardo is the first one up. The craving for pizza always wakes all his brother turtles up, but not him. He's up to meditate. Master Splinter always said, "The more you find your inner sense, the stronger you'll get son." Keeping that in his mind, he went into the lowest part of the sewer where it was quiet and dark. He always thought that if he can train in the dark where he can't see, he will see more.*

*Perhaps that why he was the leader of the group. He was always concern and took his master's words seriously. Into the far pipe of the sewer, in the darkness...the cling of the metal was Leo's sword.*
In the wee hours of the morning I wake up with the craving for the best thing in the whole world PIZZA. I check around to check out my brothers. Leo's place was already vacated meaning he had gone to meditate.I hear mickey snoring and donitello whizzing.I walk over to michy and conk him on the head and then do the same thing to Donitello.

"Would you guys please learn to control your breathing at night. Sounded as if a geeky chainsaw was in here all night. Well I am hungry as all get out want to join me for some pineapple and green pepper pizza?"
Don wipes the sleep out of his eyes, turning over in his bed. The blanket that was covering him fell aimlessly to the floor. As he yawned out the last of the night's sleep and dreams of chasing giant pepperoni, he grabbed his staff.
He gave a sharp whap to the back of Raphael's shell. The worn stick shook from the vibration in his hand.
"Let a turtle sleep, won't you? Besides, we never make fun of the little noises you make when you eat."
He slowly arose out into the lair, stretching his muscles, to get the blood to flow better. Such a splendid morning, the sewers had never smelled finer.
"Instead of talking about food, why don't you go make some? I'm starving."
He plopped himself on the couch, reading yesterday's news, trying to see if they were mentioned anywhere.
Shreder and Ammy.

IC: Ammy: I stand there in a matal room, with four other mutants. A hawk, a cugar, a platapus, bear. There all dangerous animals now. The hawk is a powerful hunting bird, the cugar is a great cat, the bear is increadably strong, and the platapus has posoinus bards on his feet. Whay am I a squirl? Why did the master make me a squirl?

A monitar clicks on sheders face apears on it. 'My new mutants. I've got a job for the five of you. I want you to fallow the orders of Roicksteady and Bebop. Wait for them in the modual.'

I have my orders. I walk out the door fallowing the others to the hangar.

IC: Shreder: "Bebop, Rocksteady!" These two shouldn't fail with the new mutants helping them. Bebop and rocksteady come around the corner. "You two better not mess up this assiment. I'm sending five mutants with you. They were all black belts from a dojo and should know how to fight. You are to kidnap April Onil. Go now the mutants should be waiting in the modual."

Once I have April, I can arange a litle suprise for the turtles, and finaly end this game.

*Practicing for hours, Leo's stomach growled loud which even made him scared.

"Wow, I guess I better be going back to grab something to eat... Man, how long have I been here?" He said, as he re-directed his swords back behind his shell.

*He's a true listener of Master Spinter. He had been practicing like this everyday before eating breakfast, apparently his bros are the opposite. He didn't really mind, they were his brother, his best friends, and they were mean ass killing machines when they needed to be. He was just different.*

"Do I look like your personal chef? I don't even want to hear you wise ass comeback."

I walk over to the frig and grab the box. It feel very light and I open up the cover. The pizza that was there the night before is now missing.

"OH when I get my hands on mickey I am gona, gona..... something"

I walk over to mikey who still seems to be heavily sleeping. I put my hands underneath of him and flip him out of bed.

"That's for eating the pizza last night."

*Leo opens the door and hears yelling going on. Not surprisingly, it was Raphael. Leo walks in where the action was happening and asked,*
"What's going on in here? Ralph, its too early to start this..."

OCC: What happened to Don and Mike?! We can't do anything without them being here. ...Unless they turn NPC.
Mike jumps up and gets in Raph's face "What was that for?!"

"Thats for eating the pizza last night!"

"Pizza? PIZZA!?! You think I ate the pizza?"

IC: I sit there waiting in the modual. Whats takeing those two so long? I feel tempted to leave but when ever I start to move, I can't. I just plain can't go against orders. I was told to wait here so I have to. I walk down to the back of the vehicle and then back up. I think about walking out to do anything but find myself unable to.

"So being in this drill. Any one thinking about a dentist?" 'Dentest, you know that what I used to do for a liveing.' the bear said. "Really you don't look like a dentist. You don't look like one."

*Gets in between the turtles.* "Mike, taking it easy! I'll go and get pizza."

*Turning towards Ralph.* "Ralph, calm down dude...just wait for a half an hour for the pizzas. Where is Donatello?"

"Micky your lucky Leo was here or I woulda, oh never mind"

I walk over to the car with the tv in it.

"let me know when the pizza's here. I'm going to be watching other family's fighting. Jerry Springer's on."

IC: I've been standing in the modual for well over an hour. Finaly Bebop and Rocksteady came in. "Um can I have your permision to go use the restroom?" 'You should of done that before hand.' "I couldn't I was told to stay in here." 'Fine but make it quick." I hate this chip if I find a way to get rid of it its gone. Well no shit, ofcoarse I'd do it. I mean first I'm turned into a hair ball then he gives me orders I can't disobey. What an evil person. I walk out to use the restroom.
Mike gave Raph a cold blooded look as he walked out of the room "Jerk..."
"No way Raph," Donatello snatched the remote, keeping it a safe distance away from him at all times.
"Jerry might be on, but Bob Vila's doing a special about floor planning. I haven't seen this yet."
He hopped about the room, laughing, keeping the remote at a distance, turning it from channel to channel. No apparent reason for it, just to piss him off because of the way he had been woken up.
Don't mess with the Don, after all, he was the smartest.
Of course his demeanor changed when he stayed on a channel long enough to see what was being played. It was weird because no matter where he changed it, it showed the exact same thing.
He stopped running around the room, and stood silently as the message was played over and over again.
"Someone get Leo," he said solemnly. It looked like Pizza would have to wait.

*Putting on his over-coat, Leo walks out of the door into the sewer water.*

"Hhmmmmm, what should I get? Pizza Hut is 2 miles away or down at Gino's which is across the street? Raphael's been kinda cranky this morning and Mike...well he's Mike. I think they should learn a lesson. I'm going for Pizza Hut. Besides the good pizza will sink right in their hungry stomach." *His stomach growls.* "...More like mine."

*Leo walks into the dark sewer pipe fading away from the light.*
Mike bolted after Leo "Hey Leo! The pizza have to wait! We got a problem!!!"

*Leo turned back as if he had heard something.* "Huh? Nah, it must be some rats mating..." *After having the thought, he gives a gross groan.* "Yeckh! Shheeesh!"
As I watch Donny run around the room keeping the remote away from me he stops and yells for Leo.

I trun toward the tv set and see mutants running havoc on the streets of New York. I can make a pize hut out in the background.

"oh crap they aren't that far away and thats where Leo is headed. Donny I think we should just go catch up with Leo and Mike"
Don takes a long look at Raphael, wondering if he had possibly hit the poor turtle harder than he thought. Perhaps he had knocked a screw loose or something.
He switched it to one of the channels running what Shredder had said only a half hour ago, according to the freaked out news anchor spilling it.
"Take care of them as fast as you can, but hurry up. If Shredder is back we've got a lot more problems than mutants causing a little bit of havoc in the city. Get the guys, and tackle a few of them, I'll meet you all down at The Figaro's on Main Street. I need to do some calculations."
Don ran into his workshop. A private place that was filled to the brim with electronical gadgets and doodads and hundreds of old toasters and things that he had taken the guts out of. It was a regular graveyard of modern appliances.
He had a feeling he knew where the Technodrome was. If Shredder and Krang sent that signal out on every single T.V. station in the New York area, then there was only one place, and only one satellite that could do it.
He checked through a couple of the newer sewer (hee hee, newer sewer) maps, showing him the closest place that they could hooke up to that solid ball hunk of metal. There was a perfect little spot that was on the upper East side, right off of Manhattan.
It wouldn't take them too long if they used the Turtle Van.
Quickly he got in, speeding off into the street. He had to pick up the guys so they could stop this.

OOC: You do relise Shreder is in Washington D.C. right. Thats a little farther away then Manhatan.

IC: the modual landed in the middle of time square. People ran as they saw the freaks we had become. Rather an un nerveing thought. We marched in plain view to chanel sixs head quaters. No efort made to hide or concil our selves as camra man where takeing shots of us. Well I shouldn't complain but why aren't there any ponlice men around?
Ooc: Perfectly aware, but that broadcast had to come from somewhere, and the most powerful satellite dish in the city would give us a good idea where.

*Leo, seemed tensed on something keeps walking at a constant when he gets suprised by Michaelangelo running into him.*

"Leeeeooooo!..." *Mike screams*

"Huh? Wha...." *Leo turns to look behind when Mike jumps on him.* "Mike?! What are you doing?!"
Mike bopped Leo upside the head "Didn't you hear me?! Don needs our help!"