new to bdsm and fucking machine


Apr 18, 2013
Hi, new member/poster here. Please forgive me if this isn't posted in the right place.

From an early age I have participated in 3 ways, 4 ways, women, experimented with toys, etc. Very sexual. Then I had kids and I calmed it down. I've always had my fantasies, but for a while now I just can't seem to stop thinking about a lot of them. Which leads me here. One in particular requires a fucking machine. I have searched high and low for any and all info on building your own, since they are very pricey. I had thought about trying to find someone to build me a glider type one, but I cant even find plans and unless your buying a ready made one there's not much info out there. Plus, I want to be able to bend over and get fucked good :D :heart: Does anyone know where I would find plans? Approx how much it would cost to build one. Someone had said slashdong had plans for a sexercycle but no luck. Or can anyone build me one? Hey you never know, maybe someone's bored and needs to unleash some creativity :)

I am new to the bdsm lifestyle and am still a "virgin". I would really like to see a dungeon, play around a little, and really get my feet wet. I'm tired of reading it I want to experience it now :devil: I live in a small town and I'm not sure how to even go about looking for a way to experience this. Any suggestions?
I am new to the bdsm lifestyle and am still a "virgin". I would really like to see a dungeon, play around a little, and really get my feet wet. I'm tired of reading it I want to experience it now :devil: I live in a small town and I'm not sure how to even go about looking for a way to experience this. Any suggestions?
This IS the right place for your inquiry. I can't help you on the fucking machine at the moment, as I'm headed out of town for two days and don't have time to do any research.

As for your final question, I don't think it's your feet you want to get wet :D but give a shot, and check for munches and/or groups in your area.

Good luck to you, and welcome to BDSM Talk and BDSM Café!
I'm feeling like it's impossible. online dating is horrible. finding this kind of mate is even worse. and dangerous. sigh. :(
I took my slave training in Baltimore, MD five or so years back and there is a dungeon there. I'm in Michigan now. Where are you?
I'd second FetLife. There's a surprising number of people on there who craft their own BDSM toys and things. If you can track one of them down I'm sure they'd be happy to share instructions :)
Hi, new member/poster here. Please forgive me if this isn't posted in the right place.

From an early age I have participated in 3 ways, 4 ways, women, experimented with toys, etc. Very sexual. Then I had kids and I calmed it down. I've always had my fantasies, but for a while now I just can't seem to stop thinking about a lot of them. Which leads me here. One in particular requires a fucking machine. I have searched high and low for any and all info on building your own, since they are very pricey. I had thought about trying to find someone to build me a glider type one, but I cant even find plans and unless your buying a ready made one there's not much info out there. Plus, I want to be able to bend over and get fucked good :D :heart: Does anyone know where I would find plans? Approx how much it would cost to build one. Someone had said slashdong had plans for a sexercycle but no luck. Or can anyone build me one? Hey you never know, maybe someone's bored and needs to unleash some creativity :)

I am new to the bdsm lifestyle and am still a "virgin". I would really like to see a dungeon, play around a little, and really get my feet wet. I'm tired of reading it I want to experience it now :devil: I live in a small town and I'm not sure how to even go about looking for a way to experience this. Any suggestions?
I don't have the time right now to post much, but a relatively cheap way to make a fucking machine is to purchase a reciprocating saw from a home center like Home Depot or whatever is in your area. Then, you can attach a dildo to it in several different ways.

The saw itself might be around $100 American, with some above and some below that. The more pricy ones you might not need to worry about, because they are made for the real job of the saw, where you won't be giving it that much of a workout (he said with a smile on his face).

The Saw reciprocates in and out faster, as the trigger is pressed harder. From what I've seen, all blades attach to the saw in the same way, so you can get a blade length and teeth that work well to insert into a hole you make in the dildo and attach it in some way so it doesn't come out. You might use some kind of silicone or maybe some epoxy glue as a couple of examples. Maybe even applying heat to the blade and then pushing it into the back of the dildo and allowing it to cool, hoping for a tight fit.

I'd suggest getting a blade that is shorter than the dildo, with most of the dildo length to be without any blade inside, thus giving it the flexiblity it's suppose to have. also, if there were an accident where the blade poked through the dildo, it won't get to you. You are only trying to get a good connection with the blade and dildo to give you the in and out action. If you want, you can even cut the point of the blade off to give you less of a sharp problem if this happens. Even bending he blade into a U shape, if possible, but then you'd have to figure out a good way to fill in the space around that U.

There are dildos made to attach to a reciprocating saw. I have seen them. I just don't know links to one at this time. I'm sure you could maybe Google dildo attachments for reciprocating saw or something similar to find them.

If you don't have someone to run the saw, you'd have to figure out a way to keep it stationary, such as maybe some good duct tape to a table or something more substantial, if you have the ability. Then, put some tape on the trigger to keep the speed set the way you want it, if someone can't run that part for you, either. Run an extension cord to where you can reach it, and connect the saw when you're ready for fun.

I'd advise turning it on BEFORE it's inside of you, then easing yourself onto it, to the depth you prefer. With some practice, you'll get better at that, I'm sure.

This is a quick and cheap way to get a fucking machine. There are some companies that manufacture their fucking machines, even providing the reciprocating saw. But, the addition of those companies will really jack up the price. This is nothing fancy, but it will work. The hard part for you, if you don't find a dildo with a saw attachment built in, would be getting a saw blade attached to your dildo of choice.

I'll see if I can find a link for a dildo with an attached blade, when I get some more time. I've got an appointment I need to keep. Like I said, this is nothing fancy, but I know it will work.
I've purchased from Ken's Twisted Mind and found it to be a good resource. KTM offers "everything" from the dildo to the adapters for power tools to actual fucking machines and bondage rigs. There's a reciprocating saw adapter and dildo available for $62 and a complete reciprocating saw package for $124. The least expensive fucking machine currently is $379, but it includes a heavy duty DC-motor, variable speed remote control, variable stroke length and uses Vac-u-Lock attachments.

After my purchase several years ago I had a question, called the 800-number and actually spoke to Ken who was courteous and very helpful.
I've purchased from Ken's Twisted Mind and found it to be a good resource. KTM offers "everything" from the dildo to the adapters for power tools to actual fucking machines and bondage rigs. There's a reciprocating saw adapter and dildo available for $62 and a complete reciprocating saw package for $124. The least expensive fucking machine currently is $379, but it includes a heavy duty DC-motor, variable speed remote control, variable stroke length and uses Vac-u-Lock attachments.

After my purchase several years ago I had a question, called the 800-number and actually spoke to Ken who was courteous and very helpful.
Thanks, Brent. This isn't the link I would have been looking for, but it's just as good, I think. Just for grins, I'll add a few more, but by doing this, I don't say they are better deals, by any means.

Master Series Reciprocating Saw Sex Machine Adapter This seems a little pricy and it doesn't seem like the standard attachment that I'm familiar with, depending on your needs. And it isn't cheap at almost $100. That does NOT include a saw!

Machine Yourself This doesn't seem like a bad site, if you or someone you know is mechanically inclined enough to follow the instructions to make your own fucking machine. Some of this seems rather elaborate, but it looks like it uses mostly wood, no metal connections to worry about. And if you know what you're doing, I'm sure there are ways to cut corners and even fine tune to your needs.

He also shows a way to make your own Vac-u-Lock adapter out of a wooden dow and how to attach it to the saw with an adapter you purchase at a Home Center. He said he went to Menards. If there isn't one of those near you, I'm sure they all are similar. If not, you can find something online.

Again, for this system to be made, you need to have some mechanical abilities. But, from what he says, the whole thing ends up costing a total of about $80. I guess this also includes purchasing a cheap saw at Harbor Freight. You can do this online, if there isn't a store near you. Harbor Freight is kind of a discount store that has off brand tools, but they work. They are cheaper because you aren't paying for that brand name you might in a hardware store. I often go in the store near me to drool over some of the cool stuff they have. It's almost like sex, going into that store.