New stories listing


Doing better
Dec 6, 2019
There seems to be no way to opt out of the redesigned New Stories listing.

The redesign is not well designed and has too much white space with the categories on the right side of the page. It's not readable.

Which would be fine if the link to the classic version was usable, but you can only navigate to it using the feedback box and selecting the Opt Out checkbox. If you try to paste the classic URL, it reverts to the new URL.

For example:

Pasting: loads this instead:

Also, the classic listing is only visible for the first page. As soon as you click on page 2 (or any direct page link), it loads the first page of listings using the new format. This is when using Firefox. When using Chrome, you can't even navigate past the first page of listings using the classic link, no matter what page link you click on.
There seems to be no way to opt out of the redesigned New Stories listing.

The redesign is not well designed and has too much white space with the categories on the right side of the page. It's not readable.

Which would be fine if the link to the classic version was usable, but you can only navigate to it using the feedback box and selecting the Opt Out checkbox. If you try to paste the classic URL, it reverts to the new URL.

For example:

Pasting: loads this instead:

Also, the classic listing is only visible for the first page. As soon as you click on page 2 (or any direct page link), it loads the first page of listings using the new format. This is when using Firefox. When using Chrome, you can't even navigate past the first page of listings using the classic link, no matter what page link you click on.
Ditto on your comments above, alphadave. Plus, the new story listings no longer note which stories are rated "Hot", which hides which stories are currently top rated. I guess the redesign was done for the sake of the mobile app, but it unfortunately gives less information than before.