Never trust a thief (closed for scarlettnuit)


Really Experienced
Dec 19, 2011
The dreaded thief, "Black Jack" Roberts scaled the roof of the monastery under the pitch black cover of midnight. The moon was shrouded beneath the clouds and he had easily slipped past the guards at the gates. This place was the perfect target. It had no magical wards protecting it from unlawful entrants, because only lunatics and fools would be crazy enough to invade a temple of Bahamut. Unfortunately for the clerics and paladins of this town, Black Jack Roberts was just crazy enough to steal the platinum idol from the temple and sell it on the black market.

He silently and slowly scaled in through a window and crawled along the support beams until he reached the room of his conquest. Unfortunately, for Black Jack a familiar female form was waiting for him by the altar, holding the idol. He gracefully dropped down to the floor a few feet from her and flashed her his rugged smile.

"So I see you managed to beat me to another target. Congratulations. Now hand it over before I leave you tied up with a 'Please fuck me' sign on your back like the last time we ran into each other."
Jocelyn grinned impishly at Black Jack. She had long heard him speak of how great he was, how a woman could never be as skilled a thief as he, and now, here she was, claiming his prize with great pleasure.

Of course, there had always been a rivalry between the two, one that would only increase after tonight she imagined, not that she was scared. While Black Jack was incredibly skilled, so too, was she. She tossed the idol up and down in her hand a few times before placing it into the leather bag that was tied to her waist.

“I suppose I could do that…but what fun would that be?” she said as she took off through the darkened corridors of the temple. She reached the hole in the floor through which she had came and jumped down into it, replacing the square stone of the floor back over her entrance. She then dashed through the darkened musty passages that ran beneath the temple until she arrived at the old river that ran underneath the temple.

She got into her small canoe and began paddling downstream until she was in the safety of the wood. She then went to land, leaving the boat to continue its journey downstream as she walked cautiously through the woods, making her way back to her tree top hide out.


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Having studied the floor plan of the temple for months, Jack was very aware of where the underground passages beneath the temple led. He had simply ruled that approach as too easy and too far out of his way. He quickly scrambled back up to the rooftops and leaped from roof to roof going towards the old woods, knowing that this was the only way to beat Jocelyn there. The dark shadow of Black Jack Roberts darted from roof to roof all through the town till he got to the woods.

Then he spotted her. Jocelyn was slowly traveling along the wooded path, back to what he could assume would be her hideout. He leaped from tree to tree till he was a little bit in front of her. Then he threw his grappling hook till it hooked around her legs and circled the rope around a tree branch before riding back down. This left her hanging upside down glaring at him.

Jack approached his quarry and admired her soft female form. His fingers traced down her cheek to her neck and then he snatched the idol from her waiting hands. Suddenly Jack had a stroke of brilliance he paced around her and began to taunt her.

He chuckled, "Ya know, Jocelyn, I could just take the idol now and leave you here for the bears and wolves, but believe it or not, I've grown quite fond of you." When he got behind her he noiselessly swapped the idol for a duplicate he had meant to leave in the temple. This duplicate weighed the same, and looked about the same in the darkness of the woods. "How about we have a wager. If you can make it to your hideout with the Platinum idol without me catching you, then I will leave you alone for as long as I live. However, if you don't make it there with the idol or if I catch you, then you have to be my slave for a month. What do you say?"

He didn't even wait for her response, he handed her the false idol and cut her down, saying, "You've got a three minute head start."
Joselyn stood up after being dropped back to the ground and looked at him. She grinned for only a moment before she punched him hard in the face and took off running.

She was usually a fast runner but her eyesight in the dark was not as good as she wished it to be. She darted through the trees and brush, doing her best to make it to her hideout. She hadn’t really paid much attention to his slave comment, her only desire was to simply escape him and his arrogance. Her own ego made her angry that he had caught her so easily. So lost in thought was she about this that she accidently caught her foot under a vine, causing her to tumble to the ground. When she moved to stand back up, she realized she had twisted her ankle.

She knew she was doomed now, but she was too stubborn to give up. She started hobbling towards her tree, she saw it in the distance, so close…yet so far. If she could just make it to her rope ladder…she could be rid of the arrogant Black Jack.
After being decked by his rival, Jack spit out some blood from having bit his tongue and swore. "I'll make sure you pay for that one, bitch."He scaled a tall tree and watched her for a bit, giving her the head-start he had promised her. Unluckily for her, her time was up as soon as she fell and Jack began leaping from tree to tree, stalking her like an ancient predator of the forests.

She was limping towards the rope ladder when he landed on the roof of her treetop hideout, squatting down on the rooftop and sneering down at her. "Even with a head-start you couldn't make it. Jocelyn I'm disappointed in you. Shall I wait for you to climb up to claim my reward or should I take it now?" Jack leered down at her, licking his lips in anticipation.
Jocelyn squinted her eyes up at Jack Black. “It will be a cold day in hell when I take orders from you!” she told him as she started to hop up the ladder until she was in the sanctity of her hide out. She pulled up the ladder, given that she didn’t really take him seriously and then sat down on a hard wooden chair. She took off her boot and then examined her ankle. It wasn’t too damaging, just needed a bit of rest and it would be right as rain.

She lit a fire in the fire pit in the center of the room and then sat once more and looked the idol over. It was obviously a fake, regardless, he got what he wanted, she hoped he would leave well enough alone. They had played these games for so long, she had almost gotten used to it. She certainly didn’t think he was serious about making he some kind of slave.

“If you’re nice I’ll let you have some wine and stew before I chuck you out!” she called up through the hole in the ceiling that allowed the smoke from the fire to escape.