My vanity feedback page (please don't laugh)


Spinster Aunt of Lit
Nov 29, 2002
This thread has been moved to Story Feedback boards. Thank you for your support. :D
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I don't know if I'm supposed to post anything in this thread, but congratulations on the great feedback = )

usually I save the feedback I like and want to see again on my hard drive, or a disk, rather than on Lit, though.

I'm getting ready to srub my hard drive and install a new OP...but also...Well, I don't have a lot to be vain about, and I'm proud. I've never published anywhere, really, before. And I'm trying to build up enough self-esteem to try to publish for pay.

And I don't mind if anyone adds.
I still have every piece of feedback that I've received, even the anonymous 'you suck' ones. I don't like to delete them considering how happy they made me feel at the time even the bad ones. It's nice to know that someone has actually read my story and cared enough to write to me.

Of course, they've become even more precious now that there appears to be a moratorium on giving me feedback :D.

The Earl