My thigh will be black and blue tomorrow!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
Just moved the rams into the shearing shed from the back paddock, but also had my neighbours draught horses in the same paddock.
The horses did not take kindly to being disrupted and the big stallion caught me with a glancing kick on my right thigh. Protecting his girlfriends, no doubt.
Anyway, I am feeling it!
Those hooves are fucking HUGE!
Imagine if he'd got me full-on! :eek:
If he had caught you with a direct hit, you would have a broken leg.

My response when animals bite, kick, or try to stomp me to death is beat the fuck out of them with my "sorting stick." It is just a lil old hickory sledge hammer handle I found in a shed years ago. Oh, and a good old fashioned knuckle sandwich does wonders with horses if they try to bite or lay down on you when shoeing them.
If he had caught you with a direct hit, you would have a broken leg.

My response when animals bite, kick, or try to stomp me to death is beat the fuck out of them with my "sorting stick." It is just a lil old hickory sledge hammer handle I found in a shed years ago. Oh, and a good old fashioned knuckle sandwich does wonders with horses if they try to bite or lay down on you when shoeing them.

Yep, that's exactly what happened to my neighbour a couple of months ago (I made a thread).
I might have got away with just a slight bruise.... my thigh isn't as sore as I expected.

And to be clear, I would never hit an animal!
There are better ways.
Horses that kick me become glue. Horses that kick Warrior Queen should become dust.
WQ, I would. I have. I will again.

I don't start those battles, but I dam sure am going to win. God gave them a hell of a lot more strength than me, but he gave me the intelligence to find a way to even the playing field.

And yes, I once did punch my wife's horse in the mouth so hard I cracked a bone in my hand. Hurt me much more than him. But he stood still and willingly gave the other hooves to have his shoes taken off. Next time I had to pull his shoes, I looked him in the eye, asked if he was gonna behave, and he stood like a statue for me.
WQ, I would. I have. I will again.

I don't start those battles, but I dam sure am going to win. God gave them a hell of a lot more strength than me, but he gave me the intelligence to find a way to even the playing field.

And yes, I once did punch my wife's horse in the mouth so hard I cracked a bone in my hand. Hurt me much more than him. But he stood still and willingly gave the other hooves to have his shoes taken off. Next time I had to pull his shoes, I looked him in the eye, asked if he was gonna behave, and he stood like a statue for me.

When I had horses (a while ago now!) I used an old trick taught me by my grandfather, who raised Lipitzanas in Austria.
When training a horse to do something, take their attention off what you are doing. He used to keep a medium-sized pebble, and he used to drop it into the ear of the horse (big enough not to go into the ear canal). Horse busy figuring out the ear, while you slip on the saddle or raise a leg for shoeing.
And he said you should always talk while doing anything. Just conversation, like you would to a person.
It works!