My love of two Danish Girls


Literotica Guru
Sep 13, 2002
Danish Love the two Danish girls

Every night after Camilla got home. She stripped of her clothes and masturbated in the shower. It such a wonderful sound hear a woman orgasm. At first I would just listen and stroke myself.
We both got bolder in our own ways. Slowly quietly we went on with our little game. Her just teasing me, by just leaving little hints and signs. Nudity was not the sign she used. We all didn’t really care who was wearing clothes and who was not. I was living in the flat with her friend Aniesette and a clueless Aussie bloke. I liked the SOB, but he was clueless.

One night I heard the squish, squish of her fingers and her soft moans...

Any ideas?
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BlessedBe said:

What are you confused about? The naration and the experiences are not necessarily in traditional time frames. It is autobio fiction. It is an excerpt from my life experience. Simple short and to the point. I would like some ideas on how to expand it.
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Erotic and Real

Chicklet said:
you didn't exactly say what you were talking about, so it confused us...

Confusion is part of the point.

The basic situation is that I was living with two danish girls and and australian guy all in the same flat in london. All true. I want to make the story real, plausible, and erotic. Randomness and confussion are necessary, because that is part of life. Erotic and real that is what I'm going for.

Kisses Chicklet...Thanks for making it clear.
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