My impressions of Rumsfeld's speech


Jul 29, 2000
"You ask us for proof, I say no! Why don't you just automatically believe everything I say? Cherry certainly does! You want proof- I say you are UNAMERICAN!

TERRORISM! TERRORISM! T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-M! Aaaaaaaauuuggghhhhhh! Let teh Eagle Soar! Never forget 8/11~!!!!111111

Oh.. yeah, and somehow Saddam Hussein fits into this and he's a bad man, but don't ask for proof of that ether! REMEMBER 9/11 OR I WILL KILLS YUO!!!!!! WE HAAVE TO ATTACK BECUASE OF 9/!! !!!!!! 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 Developers developers developer developers. Developers, developers, developers, developers. Developers, developers, developers, developers. Developers, developers, developers, developers. 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11

I knew a true American once, and you sir, are no True American! The terrorists will only win if we don't attack somebody else! No this administration does NOT remember who Bin Laden was!

Please stop sending me links, my retinaes are BLEEDING!!!!!

Rob Malda is a homosexuaal!

Thank you, and GOOD NIGHT!
so your saying you liked his speech, right? lol, there was something more intelligent on so I watched that instead. Funny how re-runs of ren and stimpy remind me of Bush and Cheney....
It was very playground. Very "My dad has a bigger gun than yours, but don't ask me to prove it"
Ren & Stimpy in 2004!

That's who I'd vote for before voting for any of the socialists the Dems can field. I was watching cartoons (R&S) on Nicktoons, so I'll have to go pull the text of the speech, since I don't know how to read hysterical-ese! :D
Re: Ren & Stimpy in 2004!

Cant ya just see Cheney all pissed and slapping Bush saying "Dubya, snap out of it man!"
Almost as funny as Rush Limbaugh trying to explain the clear and present danger Iraq poses to the US that I heard just a few minutes ago.
Re: Ren & Stimpy in 2004!

Lost Cause said:
That's who I'd vote for before voting for any of the socialists the Dems can field. I was watching cartoons (R&S) on Nicktoons, so I'll have to go pull the text of the speech, since I don't know how to read hysterical-ese! :D

Again with your bias. It's clear that Beavis and Butthead would make better leaders. Instead of attacking and messing with taxes, they'd be focused on making America cool.
Iraq agrees to UN inspectors....

..and Bush has a fit.

I watched and it put a smile on my face... even CNN wasn't able to spin his foaming apoplexic dribble (because you can't cut him after every word and remove the incesant pauses).

Bush reinactment
"...latest ploy, ..... his latest ....... attempt ........not to be held .............. accountable ........... for defying ...... the United Nations. ............He's not going to fool anybody."

So who was it that voted for this imbicile who can't put two words together to make a sentence? Does anybody write speeches for him? Well they should.

2 years and the monkey is still peeing on the carpet. Get him some better trainers. Is it not enough he has his private vocabulary of the English language which no one else recognizes?.. and it seems he is infecting others with that illness as well. ( I swear I heard somebody say "resalation" during that broadcast... maybe it's time to get interpreters for them so the rest of us can understand)

Give me a president who can do more than point fingers and spout playground accusations. I don't care if he never smoked weed in his life, he is a retard to begin with, so WHO CARES?
If my president can do everything he's supposed to, even if he smokes weed, more power to him.

Personal opinion: no matter how many wars Bush decides to incite, he is destined to be a 1-termer, so I hope he puts that in his pipe and smokes it and stops trying to draw attention away from domestic issues. Biaaaatch.

(sorry, had to get that out, that's what I think, but I could be wrong).
The above is mine....

must have dc'd while typing. D'oH!
me me me me....

I take all the credit. (I get a CC application in the mail every day =)