Mossad in Mombassa?


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Was the recent apparent terrorist attack on Israelis in Mombassa, Kenya a provocation by the Mossad? Did whoever fired the missiles miss the jet on purpose? Was the low body count (16) intentional?

16 to them is like 600 to other countries in the way Israel over-reacts.

Intentionally miss the jet? Hell No! It was COMBLOCK junk! SA-7 missiles, they are NOT NEW! lol They were first used against us all the way back in 'Nam. They are early 60's technology; they are notoriously inaccurate and unreliable to begin with (i.e. cheap shit) even when brand new back in their hey-day. This one no doubt was probably beat-up and has been sitting around in some storage depot for the past 30-yeasr long past it's shelf life before it made it's way to the black market and did not function properly. Any piece of hi-tech equipment that is THAT old is unlikely to work perfectly.
Frimost said:
16 to them is like 600 to other countries in the way Israel over-reacts.

There are 18 million Jews in the world (0.02% of the world population). You'd "overreact" every time you lost 16 too. And that was only in Mombassa. How many died that day in homicide bombings in Israel?
Man shot by dead man in Mombassa

AP - A man was shot Wednesday in a small bar room in the town of Mombassa in what may or may not be a terrorist attack. The shooter was reported to have used an automatic weapon rumored to have been a Thompson machine gun to shoot the victim 14 times in the body.

Witnesses reported that the shooter had no head. Kenyan police have been quoted as saying, "We have many strange things happening. The Gods must be crazy."
Frimost said:
16 to them is like 600 to other countries in the way Israel over-reacts.

Intentionally miss the jet? Hell No! It was COMBLOCK junk! SA-7 missiles, they are NOT NEW! lol They were first used against us all the way back in 'Nam. They are early 60's technology; they are notoriously inaccurate and unreliable to begin with (i.e. cheap shit) even when brand new back in their hey-day. This one no doubt was probably beat-up and has been sitting around in some storage depot for the past 30-yeasr long past it's shelf life before it made it's way to the black market and did not function properly. Any piece of hi-tech equipment that is THAT old is unlikely to work perfectly.
If the equipment is old and hasn't been taken care of. a journalist here spoke with the military about the missles and launcher and they came to the conclusion that it isn't that hard to hit a target like that, even without experience. The woman journalist went into a simulator and fired 10 shots with the same launcher and hit the simulated jet 10 out of 10, without any prior experience whatsoever.
Oh, boy, that makes it sound like I agree with the Mossad theory... which isn't the case.

although nothing surprises me anymore now that the "war rulebook" has been thrown out the window.
How hard did pedlars of conspiracy theories have to work before the internet came along?:D
Pechorin said:
How hard did pedlars of conspiracy theories have to work before the internet came along?:D
Yeah, those were the days... "When I was young I had to print pamphlets with a hand-cranked printing press, go out onto the street in all manner of weather and handout my message to the masses".

Now it's basic html and/or 'start new thread'. Click.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I ammended your mistake

And Israel's "over reaction" is why I love those guys

Unlike the slimey Euro's who sit back and watch 6 million walk into the chambers, or watch 8000 Muslims being shot dead in Kosovo
Amazing what English ghetto dropouts with internet access can glean from racist websites.
Hi, Cool!

Yes, the fact that the "terrorists" missed the jet at close range is very suspicious. So is the fact that the blast at the hotel appears to have been timed just right to produce minimum casualties. But if you don't think the Mossad is behind this one, who is?
Re: Hi, Cool!

Yes, the fact that the "terrorists" missed the jet at close range is very suspicious. So is the fact that the blast at the hotel appears to have been timed just right to produce minimum casualties. But if you don't think the Mossad is behind this one, who is?
Let me quess......the CIA?
Coolville said:
If the equipment is old and hasn't been taken care of. a journalist here spoke with the military about the missles and launcher and they came to the conclusion that it isn't that hard to hit a target like that, even without experience. The woman journalist went into a simulator and fired 10 shots with the same launcher and hit the simulated jet 10 out of 10, without any prior experience whatsoever.
Oh, boy, that makes it sound like I agree with the Mossad theory... which isn't the case.

although nothing surprises me anymore now that the "war rulebook" has been thrown out the window.

Cool, what's the relevance of a simulator? I can fire up my Star Wars computer game (if I had one) and hit 30 out of 30 imperial starfighters too. See my point?

I agree with Frimost (as much as I hate to admit it). This stuff is old and junk, and not maintained. A fresh Stinger probably would have brought it down.

It's not like a 737 (or whatever type it was) is a small target, you know?
Re: Hi, Cool!

Yes, the fact that the "terrorists" missed the jet at close range is very suspicious. So is the fact that the blast at the hotel appears to have been timed just right to produce minimum casualties. But if you don't think the Mossad is behind this one, who is?

Do you have anything like evidence to back this up, or are you just stretching your ass as wide as you can and letting it spew, like you usually do?
Bastard Child

I know you want to stick your dick in me, but it's hopeless; you have no chance. I don't even read your posts any more.