Run Forrest! RUN!
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http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/245479-fcc-eyes-tax-on-internet-serviceThe FCC could run into legal problems with the Internet Tax Freedom Act, a 1998 law that bans the government from taxing Internet access. But the FCC has long argued that Universal Service is a fee that the providers choose to pass on to consumers and not a tax.
It's not a tax, it's a "fee."
Or an "investment."
Whatever linguistic games we have to play to get back into your wallet, we will employ.
Don't like the Healthcare tax, redefine it.
Don't like a regulation? Call it a law.
Don't like traditional marriage?
Redefine it on the fly.
Don't like abortion called murder? Say it's "legal."
Is someone's prejudice or bigotry "Offending" you? Call it Racism!
Then when you make their statements and thoughts illegal, it's not a Free Speech issue.
It's doing the right thing.
It's "hate" speech...