Mitt's gone back to Ohio


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
Clearly, he doesn't think the PA play is going to pay off.

Will the God squad put aside their Mormon bias and lift him to victory?
Maybe he's just trying to gain the mantle of the hardest working man in pol buz'niss...

OWWWW! I feel good! I knew that I would now! So good, so good, I got Jew...
Its raining yet my precinct was filled with white people waiting to vote. No self-respecting Nigga is gonna stand in the rain to vote.
The thinking is based on Nate Silver calling 91.6% probability of Obama victory, and Intrade at 70%. I follow the money, not wishes;)
Fucking __________, reading "desperation" when it is not there.

I said as recently as yesterday and the day before, in echoes of posts past, that Obama was going to win the election, so my question to the "independent" Adre and the fat-ass naughty, just what the fuck am I desperate, or delusional, about?
What frenzy?

You people are imagining things. This is pretty much morning SOP...



I'm imagining the scores of Mitt is gonna win! threads by the OP.

Fucking __________, reading "desperation" when it is not there.

I said as recently as yesterday and the day before, in echoes of posts past, that Obama was going to win the election, so my question to the "independent" Adre and the fat-ass naughty, just what the fuck am I desperate, or delusional, about?

We're not fucking desperate, no we're not! We're not, really! Really!
Fucking __________, reading "desperation" when it is not there.

I said as recently as yesterday and the day before, in echoes of posts past, that Obama was going to win the election, so my question to the "independent" Adre and the fat-ass naughty, just what the fuck am I desperate, or delusional, about?

I'll have to pay closer attention to your posts then. Just having fun here, right?
Actually, if we are to examine posting habits...

Then, wtf is naughty doing here?

Get on your bike and ride!

Ad Hominum! Ad Hominum!

I :heart: my fat ass :D
