Mischka has a Horsecock, Mischka Has a Horsecock

I always thought she had a dairy cow udder.

Red_Rose, that hurts. :( I work up the courage to reveal my true self, and this is the reaction I get.
Mischka said:
Red_Rose, that hurts. :( I work up the courage to reveal my true self, and this is the reaction I get.
I'm sorry, sweety.

Here, let me make it up to you.

Minkey Boodle said:
So, uh, can I borrow some of the muscles amidst your ribs, there?
I see how it is. You only want me for my body.
RR you keep sticking that tongue out at me and I'm gonna...;)

I didn't know she had a cock at all much less a horse's member. Wow! :eek: Do you fall unconscious every time you get an erection due to the loss of blood flow to your brain?
You know they don't use horses as a comparison for big cocks for nothing, so if you got a horse's cock then you must be hung like a true stallion (as the old saying goes)! ;)
Horse cock, udder(s), I bet chickenfeet and a pighead are part of the package too.

Been vacationing on the Island of Dr. Moreau again?