mercenaries vs. the universe (open, sci-fi)


Nov 26, 2020
Myra St. Pierre crouched low, a high-powered gun strapped to her athletic, lean frame. Eyes as lush and blue as ocean worlds snapped across the hall of the ship they had stealthily boarded, eyeing her partner as they zeroed in on their target. This had been a particularly long and difficult job, but knowing the right people in the right places got them this far. There was no turning back now, they needed to close this job out because time was certainly not on their side.

Also helpful were all of the connections and resources they had available to them as professional hunters hired by a real, overarching amalgamation of development industry. Nearly every mining, terraformation, and big tech development company had centuries ago joined forces to protect each other's interests.

The pair of hired guns were technically outmanned and outnumbered on this space-age pirate ship, but if everything went according to plan - and it usually did - she and her partner would be just fine.

She was silent, standing straight up and brushing the finger along the trigger of her weapon. A curt nod was given, a wordless confirmation that she was ready, and Myra watched silently as three targets walked past them. With quick footsteps that were as quiet as they were swift, she approached one of the pirates and drove the butt of her gun into the back of his skull. In a whip like motion, she subdued the second brute with the same movement. She left the commander of this illegal ship for her partner as she bound the hands of the others while they struggled to remain conscious.

Tossing strands of fiery red hair out of her face, she stood and lowered the long barrelled gun. "You and this ship are now under the possession and assessment of the Recovery and Enforcement Agency, a division of Leviathan Industries" The Recovery and Enforcement Agency - or REA - was a powerful sub-organization that maintained strict order throughout the known galaxies. People like Myra and her partner were expected to be notoriously brutal.. but she could respect what these pirates were doing - robbing industry outposts and selling for cheaper - but she also liked a pay-cheque.

She tapped a comm device behind her ear, allowing the hyper-advanced REA ships waiting around this one to override it's commands. Soon after, many other agents swarmed the ship as Myra and her partner were paid upfront and dismissed of this job by their superiors. They'd done the most challenging work, and now it was time for the regular comes to come through.

Once they were given leave until their next assignment, Myra eagerly boarded their cruiser. The job they just completed would pay for a couple days of luxury. "Let's go planet side for a day?" She suggested once they boarded their own ship, reaching behind herself and unzipping the cat-suit-like battle gear she wore on hunts. It was high tech stuff - heavily armoured yet fit like a second skin, allowing for easy movement. She collected the material against her chest for modesty's sake, grabbing clothes she'd laid out for this occasion before leaving their star-cruiser. A pair of olive cargo pants hung on the curve of her hips, a cropped white tanktop on her upper half.

Myra and her partner had been assigned to one another almost four years ago. They were the same rank and considered by the REA to have the same skill level. They'd once been lone agents, but their superiors thought they'd be better as a team. They were not wrong. He and Myra were among the most successful when it came to REA hunters -- they were almost unrivalled by other teams, which gave them the clearance to chase hunts through entire star systems, whereas some hunters were bound to a certain planet, but not Myra and her partner.

At twenty-six, Myra had been doing this for just about ten years. She'd been training since she could remember for this, sold as a young child to a recruitment officer by a family who had fled a war torn planet as refugees. Without a certain future for their daughter, the questionable moral of the REA yet certain safety seemed like the best route. As a result of their decision, Myra was now a feisty and expertly trained criminal hunter.

"We could lounge on the beaches of Echo," she suggested as they together approached the cockpit of their ship, still trying to argue landing for a bit. She desperately wanted to set her feet on solid ground. It had been just over a month since they had been planet side at all.