Men- is it an insult when someone calls you adorable?


Sep 13, 2001
Do you find it offensive, or do you not mind?

I personally think it's better than being called ugly.
i would take it as a compliment...sure...i guess it depends on the context in which it was used....;)
lilminx said:
Do you find it offensive, or do you not mind?

I personally think it's better than being called ugly.

Yes it's every mans nightmare!

As with so many comments, adjectives, whatever it all depends on the tone of voice and the speaker. I've been called adorable and taken it as a great compliment, I've also been referred to that way in a sarcastic tone that was not so complimentary.

Boy I talked all the way around that one. I should run for office. Generally speaking I'd not be offended to be called adorable. It is certainly better than ugly.
If Glam calls me adorable, then it's ok. If a woman calls me adorable, I'm not gonna be getting laid. Tis the same as being called cute, it gets you nowhere.

It may be somewhat of an insult, but then if it's an insult to a guy, then he's too sensitive.
lilminx said:
Do you find it offensive, or do you not mind?

I personally think it's better than being called ugly.

Not if they are dressed like you are.
lobito said:
If Glam calls me adorable, then it's ok. If a woman calls me adorable, I'm not gonna be getting laid. Tis the same as being called cute, it gets you nowhere.

I beg to differ on that one. I know a few adorable guys I'd like to fuck.
*chuckle* i am trying to get used to "adorable" and "cute".

Not really sure about them, but getting better :D
lilminx said:
I beg to differ on that one. I know a few adorable guys I'd like to fuck.

Only referring to me not getting laid, hotstuff.
Personally I think it's cute but women are so good at turning any compliment into an insult.
under where said:
Personally I think it's cute but women are so good at turning any compliment into an insult.
I mean it as a sincere compliment when I say it to a man.
i don't consider it an insult... but only just learning to accept it as a compliment.
theGatsby said:
Then I for one would be sincerely flattered.
Good- so if I call you that on Saturday upon meeting you, you won't get mad.

Miles, you're adorable.