Man With a Plan: Obama Lays Out Second-Term Agenda With 20-Page Booklet


Jan 23, 2011
Man With a Plan: Obama Lays Out Second-Term Agenda With 20-Page Booklet

Mo Curry will be happy:rolleyes:

After months of badgering Mitt Romney about not having a plan, the guy without one finally figured out now might be the time to pretend he has a second-term agenda. So what does it involve? Why, lots and lots of teachers, job training and blaming Bush.

He’s delusional.

Obama then describes his plan: “Making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting American-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. And ending the war in Afghanistan, so we can do some nation-building here at home. That’s the right path.”

Manufacturing boom? Huh? Reducing deficits? What? Nation-building? You cannot be serious.

Obama asks viewers to compare his plan with Mitt Romney’s, then asks for their vote. Panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe pointed out that the ad has hints of Ronald Reagan’s famous “Morning in America” spot.

Ah yes, it’s Reaganesque according to some nitwits on a low-rated morning cable show. That’s sure to stop Romney’s momentum in its tracks. Except he’s not Reagan. Heck, he’s not even Ron Reagan, Jr.

The Obama campaign plans on printing 3.5 million copies of the plan and it will be distributed to campaign field offices, Politico reports. The 20-page “Blueprint for America’s Future” booklet will be released at a campaign event in Florida on Tuesday morning.

Any by nightfall you can use it to start up the fireplace. Really, after four years all he’s got is some 20-page plan? You’ve got to be kidding me.
I like how he ended the war in Iraq. Someone should have told the soldiers that are killed there weekly that is was over. :cool:
CHANGE SAME: CNN: Obama’s plan not “significantly new,” just same old stuff repackaged.“Reporting the release of the new Obama agenda two weeks out from the election, CNN’s Jessica Yellin came out visibly annoyed: ‘There’s not anything significantly new in here, it’s just all compiled in a nice booklet now.’”
OBAMA’S (NON) “PLAN”: (1) Stay the course (more of the same); (2) and besides, everything is hunky dory and getting better each day!! [insert rainbows and unicorns here]. Listen and read for yourself. It can be summed up in one word (sound): Cha-ching!!!