Male Gamer looking for Female Gamer


Jun 27, 2012
The title pretty much says it all. Looking for a female friend to talk about and play games with. Of course, if we want to do anything else later, that's up in the wind. Male, 22 USA.
I just got done gaming so bumping it up for you man, female gamers are tough to find
Maybe you guys just are not looking in the right spots :) there are lots of us out there. Guess it depends on the game though?
I used to play WoW so not really =) but it is hard to whisper all of them back once they hear how you sound on chat haha
MMoRPR= Many Men Online Role Playing as Girls :)

I love that you can tell how people sound now thanks to vent and mumble. i hate talking on mumble cause i keep getting teased i sound like a 12 year old kid :p I have to have my RL friends that i play online with confirm i am indeed NOT 12 :p
I miss WoW everyone i know quit for SWTOR. and then they all quit for D3 and then they all quit cause D3 sucked.... lol i just got back into playing SWTOR. i had missed hanging with people and pvping after D3 failed so badly.
i hate talking on mumble cause i keep getting teased i sound like a 12 year old kid :p I have to have my RL friends that i play online with confirm i am indeed NOT 12 :p

lol I have that problem too. I've started playing FPS games recently and a big part of those seems to be teamspeak, so when I get on there people think I'm a 12 year old boy instead of a girl. I don't bother telling them unless they ask.
Thank you all for reply. I myself like to play online games these days. Though I have a soft spot for RPG's. I've played a ton of MMO's and I'm on League of Legends and Star Wars Galaxies EMU atm. I've played Old Republic and it was nice. Really, I'm just looking for gaming buddies and friends. That and I've always gotten along better with women.
Bumpception? But seriously, while some have responded, I've yet to find that one who will game with me.
Ahhh...Mass Effect. That is all. And bump

Lmao funny you should mention that. I just dusted my copy off and started all over again to try out different options to carry over to ME2 and ME3.

P.S: Am a guy and no am not soliciting in your thread.
I can't dust off my 1st Mass Effect anymore. I beat it so many times before 2 came out, that I can't even stand to play it anymore.