Making people talk in stories


May 1, 2022
Hi the moderator won’t publish my stories and said i should look up how to make my characters talk but can’t find any help and its difficult for me as i suffer from dyslexia so story writings very hard at the best of times. Any help would be great
They are talking about the showing dialog in the story. Dialog should be enclosed in quotes.

Tad and Mary were walking down the street when they spied a pretty girl coming their way. Turning to Tad, Mary smiled.

"Would you do her?" asked Mary.

"No, I have you, why would I want to do a stranger," replied Tad smiling at the young lady as she strolled by.

There is a how to -
Thank you for your reply it‘s all very confusing i think I’ll give up the writing side. Being dyslexic is a bitch at times
Maybe wait until your technical skills get better to publish on this site but DON'T stop writing. Write poems, write R.P.S, write for YOURSELF. There's no "wrong" writing, only writing that's "wrong" for a particular context.