Lots Of Democrats Will Be Pissed About This...


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

FTX Lawyers Threaten Politicians: Return Donations or Be Sued​

Some recipients return the money, some give to charity, Biden stonewalls

By Kevin Stocklin
February 11, 2023Updated: February 11, 2023

FTX bankruptcy attorneys sent out private letters last week to politicians and PACs who received donations from the company, giving them until Feb. 28 to return the money voluntarily or face legal action.

According to a company statement, “to the extent such payments are not returned voluntarily, the FTX Debtors reserve the right to commence actions before the Bankruptcy Court to require the return of such payments, with interest accruing from the date any action is commenced.”

Based on data from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), Coindesk, a cryptocurrency news site, identified 196 U.S. senators and representatives who accepted FTX donations. Meanwhile, Unusual Whales, a retail trading platform, compiled their own tally of political recipients of FTX money, who donated to whom, and whether or not the money was returned.

More here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/ftx-l...utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=BonginoReport

Serves these crooks right.
i bet more repubiltards were upset about gas stoves.

this really isn't a partisan issue, vette. grow a pair.

FTX Lawyers Threaten Politicians: Return Donations or Be Sued​

Some recipients return the money, some give to charity, Biden stonewalls

Serves these crooks right.

Yes, just Democrats will be upset...you know not just Democrats received donations from TRX, don't you?

"Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) said he would give to a “crisis pregnancy center” back home because, a spokeswoman said, he “believes these funds should be donated to a worthy cause, given the information that has come to light about FTX and its leaders.”