Looks Like I'm Livin' Right!

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
You sometimes come across information that lets you know you're doing all the right things, despite the ravings of the mob.

Do you feel better with this data?

Actual figures reveal:

VEGETARIANS DIE YOUNGER. Oh, they tell you they're healthier, but census data shows the opposite. Plus...

VEGETARIAN KIDS ARE SICKLIER. The Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine reports that children reared on these diets are at higher risk for "impaired psychomotor development."

VEGETARIAN DIETS WON'T EVEN MAKE YOU MORE REGULAR. Even teenage vegetarians are 8 times more likely to use laxatives!

AND THEY COULD SAP YOUR SEX LIFE AND YOUR STRENGTH. This is not a myth. In fact, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have linked meatless, low-protein diets to slumping sex function and muscle loss and bone damage.

And if your idea of instant breakfast is COFFEE AND A CIGARETTE...

Actually, you're half right. That morning cup of coffee you crave is one of nature's REAL HEALTH miracles:

JUST DRINK 2-3 CUPS A DAY and presto! You're 45% less likely to suffer from gallstones...

RAISE IT TO 4 CUPS and you dramatically drop your risk of colon cancer (the second deadliest cancer in America)...

WANT ONLY ONE CUP? Plug in the pot! Because just one cup of coffee packs the antioxidant power of three fresh oranges.

I don't recommend smoking, but if you do, don't give up the coffee! One study shows it may even help protect smokers from bladder cancer.

Then, when they pester you to "DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY"...

Turn back on your tormentors with one simple question. WHY?

Know what? NOBODY KNOWS WHY. In the words of a famous nutritionist at Penn State University, "I can't tell you...and I've written a book on water."

Maybe your kidneys need it? No, according to a kidney expert at the National Institutes of Health, the average healthy adult gets all the water he or she needs from solid food alone.

Well then, perhaps it's to replace the water you lose from drinking coffee? Wrong again! The Journal of the American College of Nutrition confirms that caffeine doesn't dehydrate healthy people.

From now on, you have doctor's orders to drink water only when you feel like it. And if you'll take just one precaution with your water supply, you can...


It's really easy. Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that "health authorities" are adding to your water. For example...

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm... Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

*Ahhhhhhhh...steaks tonight with veggies smothered in cheese. :D
Lost Cause said:
You sometimes come across information that lets you know you're doing all the right things, despite the ravings of the mob.

Do you feel better with this data?

Actual figures reveal:

Actually, you're half right. That morning cup of coffee you crave is one of nature's REAL HEALTH miracles:

JUST DRINK 2-3 CUPS A DAY and presto! You're 45% less likely to suffer from gallstones...

RAISE IT TO 4 CUPS and you dramatically drop your risk of colon cancer (the second deadliest cancer in America)...

WANT ONLY ONE CUP? Plug in the pot! Because just one cup of coffee packs the antioxidant power of three fresh oranges.

I don't recommend smoking, but if you do, don't give up the coffee! One study shows it may even help protect smokers from bladder cancer.

Then, when they pester you to "DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY"...

Turn back on your tormentors with one simple question. WHY?

Know what? NOBODY KNOWS WHY. In the words of a famous nutritionist at Penn State University, "I can't tell you...and I've written a book on water."

Maybe your kidneys need it? No, according to a kidney expert at the National Institutes of Health, the average healthy adult gets all the water he or she needs from solid food alone.

Well then, perhaps it's to replace the water you lose from drinking coffee? Wrong again! The Journal of the American College of Nutrition confirms that caffeine doesn't dehydrate healthy people.

From now on, you have doctor's orders to drink water only when you feel like it. And if you'll take just one precaution with your water supply, you can...


It's really easy. Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that "health authorities" are adding to your water. For example...

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm... Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

*Ahhhhhhhh...steaks tonight with veggies smothered in cheese. :D

Hmm....interesting. I'd like to see the above data, but for now I'll just offer the following comments.

Coffee: I'm a long-time coffeeoholic, and I had to have my gallbladder removed because of stones. Darn; it didn't work for me.

The fluoride aspect is intriguing. The city which is near us (we do not share their water directly; both we and they get it directly from the Edward's Aquifer) recently started fluoridating the water. It was a long battle; the anti-fluoride faction won something like 2 different elections. The pro-fluoride faction continued until they finally won. Had I lived in the city, I'd have voted no, because of everything I heard, I think the anti-crowd had the more convincing argument.

Our water supply has long been fluoridated; I wish it weren't, but....that's life. I'd use bottled water, but hubby does not deem it necessary.

Now, your info didn't include anything about aluminum in antiperspirants. Anything on that?
Ok, I must say, BlueDaisy, that it kind of shocks me that you haven't had flouride in the water before now.

I'm going to be 25, and we've had it in the water now since I was about 5 years old.

Just never really thought that places in the states didn't have it.
Damn, I drink so much coffee that I should live forever.

Unless I don't stop playing in traffic.
Gilly Bean said:
Ok, I must say, BlueDaisy, that it kind of shocks me that you haven't had flouride in the water before now.

I'm going to be 25, and we've had it in the water now since I was about 5 years old.

Just never really thought that places in the states didn't have it.

Gilly....I know what you mean. Until we moved here 9 years ago, I never thought about it, either. I thought all water was fluoridated. The city I mentioned is San Antonio. When we first moved here, we lived in a small town outside of SA that didn't fluoridate (I only knew that because I had a newborn and had to find out if the water was fluoridated so the doc would know whether or not to prescribe fluoride supplements. If I'd known then all I know now about it, I'd have opted not to give him the supplemental fluoride). The base, where we live now, does fluoridate.

What I have heard, among many things, during the pre-election mudslinging, was the the fluoride that is used for the water supply is actually a by-product of industry and manufacturing. They sell their waste fluoride to cities who use it to add to the water supply. Supposedly the "real" fluoride, naturally occuring, is not harmful as the by-product is said to be.
mbb308 said:
Damn, I drink so much coffee that I should live forever.

Unless I don't stop playing in traffic.

Mbb....I love the picture in your av. Too cute.
Lost Cause said:
AND THEY COULD SAP YOUR SEX LIFE AND YOUR STRENGTH. This is not a myth. In fact, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have linked meatless, low-protein diets to slumping sex function and muscle loss and bone damage.

Yeah but the Jizz tastes better.

I don't recommend smoking, but if you do, don't give up the coffee! One study shows it may even help protect smokers from bladder cancer. /

Actually that's colon cancer....the nicotine helps the steroids that a patient takes as part of their treatment in order to keep them regular.

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Yeah, but have you seen their teeth?

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm... Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

Then you'd better swear off underarm deoderant, 'cause in the studies they cited it as the #1 suspect, not the water, as aluminum is the main ingredient in antiperspirants.
Re: Re: Looks Like I'm Livin' Right!

badasschick said:
Then you'd better swear off underarm deoderant, 'cause in the studies they cited it as the #1 suspect, not the water, as aluminum is the main ingredient in antiperspirants.

Yep, I've heard that, too. I try to use alternate things, such as tea tree oil, things like that. Not antiperspirants, but works pretty good as a deodorant as it is an antigermicidal agent.
I don't buy into all the arguments for coffee being a health food, or OTOH for vegetarian diet being good for you.

I don't believe water should be fluoridated - not because I believe it is harmful, but because I believe it is both neither necessary nor wanted by a significant portion of the populace:

1) It is not necessary because most people get plenty of fluoride for their teeth by brushing with fluoride supplemented tootpaste, and by periodic fluoride treatments by dentists.

2) People should have a choice about what chemicals they ingest into their bodies - they should not be forced to injest fluoride in their water just because it might benefit some people and/or because some people want it. Those people who want fluoride can take supplements and leave the water free of fluoride for those that don't.
Re: Re: Looks Like I'm Livin' Right!

brokenbrainwave said:
looks like once again you gave no links to verify your "facts"
Well, it was a good read, anyway.

I'm gonna make a cup of coffee.