Looking for new friends!


Mar 9, 2011
So, I'm 25, I'm a male and I'm from Virginia, the northern part. I'm not 'new' to lit, but its recent that I haven't been lurking around and decided to become an active part of the community. I'm really looking for some ladies, age, sex, size, race, I don't care to talk to. It can be friendly, intellectual, sexual, or anything.

In my real life I know mostly guys and I'm looking to extend my circle of friends again to the women so I don't get too disconnected. I do have a Skype, AIM, and Yahoo, all 3 of which I'm willing to give. So, send me a PM or just post here and we can talk!
Just thought I'd let you know that I did try to reply to your PM, but received the generic Lit message that says either you have chosen not to receive PMs or you cannot receive them.