Looking for email friends


Feb 16, 2003
Hello all I am new to this site and hopefully will have some stories published here. I am also looking for females that would like to share email chat and story ideas. If this could be you please contact me. I am also on ICQ so check my profile etc. :devil: :rose: :)
Welcome to Lit! :) I hope you have a wonderful time here.

What kind of stories do you enjoy writing? Do you have a specific genre? Have you looked into the Literotica Survivor Contest? (To clarify, just in case, it has nothing to do with the TV show Survivor! ;) When they first started it, I thought it did! :eek: )

If you have any questions about Lit, feel free to ask me. I've been around since March of 2000 and happen to be the Personals/Playground Moderator.