Little Chicken story of the week...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
I'm sorry, I did not say Chicken Little...

If that is what you thought you were going to get, go away. This is for the rational people.

I set free the chickens from the tractor while I was tilling the garden and as usual the first thing in order was the dust bath then one was first to the spot under the bird feeder and the yellow chicken went back to the roof of the tractor. She was up and down and into the garden checking my progress, or so I thought, the ground was still kind of wet.

I took some newly found potatoes that I had missed in the early summer to the house and as I rounded the corner, the yellow chicken flew from the top of the tractor right to my feet. I was surprised, but with a sneaking suspicion, I picked her up, carried her to the tractor and put her in it. She immediately ran to the nesting boxes and twenty minutes later we had another egg.

As in so many other things that all creatures great and small do, she could easily figure out how to get out of the tractor, but not how to get back into the tractor because the door is at the opposite end of the tractor from her goal of getting to the nesting boxes...
Union Yes!

I tried to teach a bunch of little punks how to weld on Saturday. I think I would have had more success teaching them how to juggle bowling pins.
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You need to clean up your grammar college boy; I find it hard to understand what you are trying to say.
Was it the late game?

The women insist on watching "Animation Domination," so I took a book to bed and read...
The line at Denny's is not bad at four pm.

Just cut in front of the walker or the oxygen tank.
I saw that episode on Nickleodeon last week too!

♪♪Green Acres...
Not until the day comes that their egg production drops off.

Now, Throb knows that he is on ignore.

Do you troll him?

I don't.


Every time someone says he's on ignore he goes into rabid dog mode and mentions either their children, polls he invented, lies he created, Nazis, or Jews. Sometimes all of the above.
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AJ and Miles have some obsessive need to remind me that I'm on ignore.

Every single day.

Ask your respective doctors about clomipramine, guys.
Every time someone says he's on ignore he goes into rabid dog mode and mentions either their children, polls he invented, lies he created, Nazis, or Jews. Sometimes all of the above.

Do not forget the racial slurs and homosexual insults.

;) ;)