Literotica's 2002 Avatar Awards

La Principessa

sweetheart w/ great AVs
Nov 25, 2001
Since I've been playing with my AV lately, I've been thinking of others avatars.

So here's your chance to vote. What are some of your favorite AVs here? What one has made you say WOW or YUCK?
Best, worst, funniest. Name them here!

And since if forgot, also the leafiest AV. (happy Lukky? ;) )
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I love Lavy's tricycle girl av, but she doesn't use it that often.

1HotJob'sav gets my vote, so do Storm's self avs.
La Principessa said:
Since I've been playing with my AV lately, I've been thinking of others avatars.

So here's your chance to vote. What are some of your favorite AVs here? What one has made you say WOW or YUCK?
Best, worst, funniest. Name them here!

I love all of yours, some more than others but definitely magnifica.

Others I like: TB's current alien head makes me laugh every time I look at it, BKKnight's for obvious reasons, same for TedJackson and Dietrick's. I love all of Ruby's and Glam's and most of Rambling Rose's. Honorary mention: Lance's eye candy AV and Mia's Christmas butt.

Scariest one that made me cringe in horror: The award would go to Minkie Boodle for the "roastbeef" pussy av.

Only one male AV has ever made me say WOW.OMG WOW and that is Don K Dyck. I stare at his AV way too much.
I love all of glam's avs

although the one freya's got up now with her tits out gave me a good giggle
My very favorite AV is Aphrodisiac's laughing girl with her hand covering her face.
Oh yeah, I forgot: Glam's and Ruby's avs rock. When Angel and Licky have self avs, I like theirs too.
Oh yeah, Perk's featherduster and ruffleslut avs are good.
Glammy has some good avs. Ginny's have been great as of late.
Amelia's are cute, that blonde theme.

KM's still makes me laugh, thinking about that cold squirt on a hot day.

But, Alexandraah's lips are still #1.
Mine wins Best in Minimalism Honors...

It's a social comment having something to do with man's collective intellect and mayonaise.

quick to mind are(but forever lasting):

-Caly on all fours
-Aphrodisiacs shower glass
-Morgy's brief exposure
-amelia's totally nude shot (oops, that was just my imagination)

oh there are so many memorable ones...
Worst - Has to go to yayati's self-pic AV.
Funniest. Me, again. My RawHumor AV!

:nana: :nana: :nana:
JerseyBoy said:
quick to mind are(but forever lasting):

-Caly on all fours
-Aphrodisiacs shower glass
-Morgy's brief exposure
-amelia's totally nude shot (oops, that was just my imagination)

oh there are so many memorable ones...

YES!! The Caly AV! How could I forget? That one was incredible!

oh and another one that made me giggle like crazy is Olivianna's Pajama Woman
Best Male Torsos ~ Cibo & Kinky

Best Male Chest ~ Stormy

Best Cock ~ Dilly

Best Male ~ Glam

Best Female ~ Rubyfruit, Intrigue & Super Little Girl

Best Female Tush ~ Perky (esp the one with the frilly panties)

Best Female Boobies ~ (I can't decide they are all great)

Best Animal ~ Laurel & Riff

Best Mouth ~ Rhys
someplace said:
My very favorite AV is Aphrodisiac's laughing girl with her hand covering her face.


I really enjoy that av as well .... have always liked it.. its fun.



-Aphrodisiacs shower glass

You still recall that one huh? :eek:

My favorite so far is Tigerjen's one of Sung Hi-Lee bending over wagging her finger at the teddybear. That one is just yummy.

And also sexy-girl's one of her smile. It just makes you want to smile too. :)

But my favorite person's are Mytasteislikecandy. Hers change about every week and are always a nice surprise.
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Guess I should list mine (sorry for using the "L" word)

Men's AVs
1hotjob (minx is so right with this one)
Storm's chest AV
Dilly's blue whale
Lukky's tush AV that he uses so rarely
Rhys' smile AV with the lock

Women's AVs
Perky's featherduster
all of Rubyfruits, simply gorgeous
Draaah's lips

And even though they aren't the prettiest AVs honorable mention should go to OUTSIDER for most...ahem....eyecatching AVs. :eek:

*I reserve the right to come back and add to either list as I see fit
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