...and when I post Liberal, I actually mean "liberal" in its natural and classical political sense (a political concept both progressives and conservatives can't seem to inherently comprehend).
Today seems to be an apt day to launch this thread, since it is written that liberation from death itself was eternally achieved by the mother of all Liberals on this traditionally celebrated day...
...I know, I know: progressives love to associate the Nazarene with their own statist ideals by tagging him a socialist; but the fact of the matter is, again, as it is written, his entire purpose was/is to redeem mankind onto God, and there is no such spiritual thing as social/collective salvation - it's all individual.
Thus, as the Word implies, individual liberty from God's wholesale sentence of death on mankind is gained when that individual honestly chooses to nail himself to the Cross, too, and his old, sinful self dies and is buried, and then is resurrected - on this, the third day - by the power of God into "a new creature", instilled with the Spirit of God himself.
Such a "born again" individual lives then bound by "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", and no longer is subject to the arbitrary, subjective laws of man...
I know, I know: the panties of you statists - progressives and conservatives, alike - just got all twisted-up upon reading that, that some dare believe they are above the laws of man, that championing individual liberty is fine, but as soon as that token notion begins threatening to start pulling a thread of the collective security/comfort blanket then that bullcrap must be stopped...
...exactly like the Nazarene had to be stopped.
Reverence for individual liberty naturally includes the same reverence for every individual's liberty - liberty that is the natural blessing of God, not the granted privilege of any man or government or group or majority or mob. And it is that godly reverence for liberty that tempers each individuals' actions in this world as they live above man's laws...
...eg, let's take a mundane issue like drunk driving: as an individual who cherishes individual liberty literally more than anything else on this entire planet, I cannot even bear the thought of depriving another individual of their equal liberty by affecting their life in any way because of friggin' alcohol - especially the absolutely senseless, and many times deadly, act of driving drunk.
(Keep in mind about half of all automobile-related deaths involve alcohol; then think of all the problems caused in this life fueled by alcohol, crimes covering virtually every nature, with alcohol almost always involved - like domestic violence...but, back to just drunk driving.)
This world is full of ordinary men who also think (or least say) driving drunk shouldn't be tolerated. This world is also full of man-made laws which command drunk driving will not be tolerated...
...yet, folks all over the world are being killed right now because men and their laws have absolutely no power whatsoever to prevent free man's God-given liberty to do whatever he wants - despite what he may "think" or "say" or whatever laws he may enact.
It has been said that earthly issuance of God's laws is simply to prove to/show man that he was born a lawbreaker, and that an individual whose heart naturally longs for the righteousness of God's truths needs more than himself to appeal to in order to follow them; ie, post a sign that reads Don't Walk on the Grass and individual man will always walk on the grass just because he's lawbreaking man and God gives him the liberty to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Why does God give us such universal liberty?
Because without being completely free to make our own decisions - no matter the consequences - we can never make the true decision that we want a relationship with him above all else. Do you prefer a person to "love" you for the things you provide, or do you only want the love of an individual who wants you just as much as you want them - freely?
When an individual realizes that the only hope for true goodness can only be found outside of lawbreaking/lawenacting man, then s/he opens his/her heart up to the spiritual power of God's greatest political gift to man:
Self-government is only - naturally - available to those individuals who 1) believe in the Creator, and 2) inherently understand that, alone, they are no different than any other godless man. With those two conditions met, then the individual is able to begin understanding that by revering "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", man's laws are totally inferior...
...thus, a believer is wholly saved from the Supreme law, death, and spends the balance of his worldly existence above the laws of man.
I live above man-made laws regarding drunk driving because I cherish the individual liberty God blessed me with so much so that I don't drink - PERIOD...
...thus, man's laws regarding drunk driving do not apply to me because I revere God's love for his own creation and, in turn, he allows me the power to live that truth - man be damned.
Sorry for all that (in a way ) if you found it all incoincidental...
...but I believe Andrew P. Napolitano to be one of the few political philosophers I've ever read who actually understand the gist of natural law - modern time and/or classical - and the following Liberal Lesson of the Day is authored by him; in fact, I'm listing 2 pieces by the Judge because both are totally relevant to my individual liberty way of thought on the respective political issues:
Today seems to be an apt day to launch this thread, since it is written that liberation from death itself was eternally achieved by the mother of all Liberals on this traditionally celebrated day...
...I know, I know: progressives love to associate the Nazarene with their own statist ideals by tagging him a socialist; but the fact of the matter is, again, as it is written, his entire purpose was/is to redeem mankind onto God, and there is no such spiritual thing as social/collective salvation - it's all individual.
Thus, as the Word implies, individual liberty from God's wholesale sentence of death on mankind is gained when that individual honestly chooses to nail himself to the Cross, too, and his old, sinful self dies and is buried, and then is resurrected - on this, the third day - by the power of God into "a new creature", instilled with the Spirit of God himself.
Such a "born again" individual lives then bound by "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", and no longer is subject to the arbitrary, subjective laws of man...
I know, I know: the panties of you statists - progressives and conservatives, alike - just got all twisted-up upon reading that, that some dare believe they are above the laws of man, that championing individual liberty is fine, but as soon as that token notion begins threatening to start pulling a thread of the collective security/comfort blanket then that bullcrap must be stopped...
...exactly like the Nazarene had to be stopped.
Reverence for individual liberty naturally includes the same reverence for every individual's liberty - liberty that is the natural blessing of God, not the granted privilege of any man or government or group or majority or mob. And it is that godly reverence for liberty that tempers each individuals' actions in this world as they live above man's laws...
...eg, let's take a mundane issue like drunk driving: as an individual who cherishes individual liberty literally more than anything else on this entire planet, I cannot even bear the thought of depriving another individual of their equal liberty by affecting their life in any way because of friggin' alcohol - especially the absolutely senseless, and many times deadly, act of driving drunk.
(Keep in mind about half of all automobile-related deaths involve alcohol; then think of all the problems caused in this life fueled by alcohol, crimes covering virtually every nature, with alcohol almost always involved - like domestic violence...but, back to just drunk driving.)
This world is full of ordinary men who also think (or least say) driving drunk shouldn't be tolerated. This world is also full of man-made laws which command drunk driving will not be tolerated...
...yet, folks all over the world are being killed right now because men and their laws have absolutely no power whatsoever to prevent free man's God-given liberty to do whatever he wants - despite what he may "think" or "say" or whatever laws he may enact.
It has been said that earthly issuance of God's laws is simply to prove to/show man that he was born a lawbreaker, and that an individual whose heart naturally longs for the righteousness of God's truths needs more than himself to appeal to in order to follow them; ie, post a sign that reads Don't Walk on the Grass and individual man will always walk on the grass just because he's lawbreaking man and God gives him the liberty to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Why does God give us such universal liberty?
Because without being completely free to make our own decisions - no matter the consequences - we can never make the true decision that we want a relationship with him above all else. Do you prefer a person to "love" you for the things you provide, or do you only want the love of an individual who wants you just as much as you want them - freely?
When an individual realizes that the only hope for true goodness can only be found outside of lawbreaking/lawenacting man, then s/he opens his/her heart up to the spiritual power of God's greatest political gift to man:
Self-government is only - naturally - available to those individuals who 1) believe in the Creator, and 2) inherently understand that, alone, they are no different than any other godless man. With those two conditions met, then the individual is able to begin understanding that by revering "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", man's laws are totally inferior...
...thus, a believer is wholly saved from the Supreme law, death, and spends the balance of his worldly existence above the laws of man.
I live above man-made laws regarding drunk driving because I cherish the individual liberty God blessed me with so much so that I don't drink - PERIOD...
...thus, man's laws regarding drunk driving do not apply to me because I revere God's love for his own creation and, in turn, he allows me the power to live that truth - man be damned.
Sorry for all that (in a way ) if you found it all incoincidental...
...but I believe Andrew P. Napolitano to be one of the few political philosophers I've ever read who actually understand the gist of natural law - modern time and/or classical - and the following Liberal Lesson of the Day is authored by him; in fact, I'm listing 2 pieces by the Judge because both are totally relevant to my individual liberty way of thought on the respective political issues: