Leetle Weenies and big assholes


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
What's the attraction?

I personally don't like little weenies. They sag later in life too, and (though it's a preference of mine) the bigger ones are much more "Cute"

As for the big assholes... what's the benefit there? I've had little dicked, men... and it's pretty hard to do that doggy style...

with my ghetto bootay

they just don't attract me
ChilledVodka said:
You are suppused to make it big and hard first.

<grin> you're giving me lessons? how quaint.
I like needle pricks
prick me with your pick-up stix
pierce my pooter with your piece
shoot that cue ball up my crease
perky_baby said:
What's the attraction?

I personally don't like little weenies. They sag later in life too, and (though it's a preference of mine) the bigger ones are much more "Cute"

As for the big assholes... what's the benefit there? I've had little dicked, men... and it's pretty hard to do that doggy style...

with my ghetto bootay

they just don't attract me


You fucking rock, perkilicious:kiss:
Unregistered said:
I like needle pricks
prick me with your pick-up stix
pierce my pooter with your piece
shoot that cue ball up my crease

that's purdy.

please tell me someone knows it is spelled surgeon?
ChilledVodka said:

Are you planning to travel to UK?

you can tell me if you want me to fly over there, but I have to know about the weenie situation first.
Well, goodie. That's what we need more in the world. puposefully offensive people.
Dantetier said:
Well, goodie. That's what we need more in the world. puposefully offensive people.

because the difference between purpose and ignorance is...?
perky_baby said:
because the difference between purpose and ignorance is...?

The difference is that I don't go out and try to hurt peoples feelings. You apparently did. Failed, however, but you tried, which tells me that you do it often, and I'm sure SOMEONE cares about your opinions, and so someone must get hurt by you.
perky_baby said:
you can tell me if you want me to fly over there, but I have to know about the weenie situation first.
Have you seen Black Snake's cock?

My nose is bigger than that.
Nevermind, Dantetier...

Methinks Perky just needs spanking with something fairly large and rather "cute" ;)
Dantetier said:
The difference is that I don't go out and try to hurt peoples feelings. You apparently did. Failed, however, but you tried, which tells me that you do it often, and I'm sure SOMEONE cares about your opinions, and so someone must get hurt by you.

Trying to hurt someone's feelings? No.

Trying to enlighten someone that what he says, in a forum he doesn't really know, might have the adverse response than what he wanted? Yes.

Take the instruction, or don't, sugah.

But don't think to know me, by one parody thread.

Don't think that what you did is any different. Have your likes and dislikes, sure, but...

There is no need to break down something you don't like, because of something you do like.

You could have said, I just love little bittie titties, and asses, they're so tight and they make me sprung.

see the difference?

This is what I get for trying to pipe-up wittily when I have NO clue as to what started something.

Those little coctail weenies go great in a barbecue sauce. I'm not much for assholes though.