Lancecastor's Grrls Commit Mass Suicide. Lance is Devastated.


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
lavender said:
I find it amusing that you urged compassion for indigo rose and yet you openly humiliate one when he's down.

This surprises you?
guilty pleasure said:
Imagine the kool-ade bill.......

Simply red. Bobe is's better this way. But still, I yearn way down deep in the swirling, sucking eddy of despair that is my soul, for I'll never taste their virtual warez again.
lavender said:
I find it amusing that you urged compassion for indigo rose and yet you openly humiliate one when he's down.

Once again, you and your jill wonder, cartstruck, have it backwards.

I urged no compassion for Indigo....I found her joke on the PickleBums funny as did she and in the same way for the same reasons.

And, as usual, you make up whatever you feel is necessary in your stale, lame, feeble attempt to mask the truth....which is:

A few us us with a fucking brain in our head figured this out as a hoax very early on, you silly tit!

It was funny way back before you and your plaster-headed friend could even get your fucking plays straight on who to attack, ms texas schnook repository!

Get with the program. You're painfully slow.
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lavender said:
I find it amusing that you urged compassion for indigo rose and yet you openly humiliate one when he's down.

fuck you open thighs. Lance owns your fat ass. go with it.
lavender said:
I find it amusing that you urged compassion for indigo rose and yet you openly humiliate one when he's down.

Ah, it's one of the first men you've gone after. You wait until they're down and out and then you hit them below the belt.

You're a big man, Lance. Truly, you are.

Lav is a naive, little girl.

How's the ignore everyone that posts to Hanns gig going Lavy?

Whiney bitch.
I just want to make sure I'm up with the current events--
Does this thread mean that Lance & Muff have broken up, and lavender and Lance are the new incarnation?

Keep me posted, fercrissakes. I need to know whether to make popcorn or not, peope.
RisiaSkye said:
I need to know whether to make popcorn or not, peope.

I've got Junior Mints and Twizzlers...I'll share mine if you share yours! ;)