Lancastoroil - Stop!

Rick DeVille

Custom User Title
Dec 9, 2001
Please stop cutting and pasting political crap!

If you think it increases your credibility, forget it!

It doesn't!

It makes you look like a moron.

Maybe, if the cap fits......
Rick DeVille said:
Please stop cutting and pasting political crap!
If you think it increases your credibility, forget it!
It doesn't!
It makes you look like a moron.
Maybe, if the cap fits......

I'm quite sure the cap does fit... ;)
Hate to tell you this ('cause I think he's a dick as well), but "Lancastoroil" is hardly solidifying your position as a paragon of wit.

Rick DeVille said:
Please stop cutting and pasting political crap!

If you think it increases your credibility, forget it!

It doesn't!

It makes you look like a moron.

Maybe, if the cap fits......

Political commentary on a porn board? What will happn next?
Re: ahahhahahhaha....

Gusty Wind said:
What Next ???? :rolleyes:

DO DIRTY PM .!!!:D:D hehehehe...

I would never write you a dirty PM.

Maybe a sexy encounter, now that is quite a differetn matter.

:devil: :p :kiss:
This thread needs some help...and fast! How about lesbians!


Rick, I've always figured that you're actually one of the women posters here. But which one?