Kinky sex makes the world go 'round

Sex without any kink is like playing basketball with a football...sure you could do it, but it won't be nearly as much fun
Kinky sex is subversive so does that mean subversives make the world go 'round?
I don't know the meaning of the word subversive!

(No really i don't and I don't have a dictionary around so I'm pretty much fucked)
One entry found for subversion.

Main Entry: sub·ver·sion
Pronunciation: s&b-'v&r-zh&n, -sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin subversion-, subversio, from Latin subvertere
Date: 14th century
1 : the act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within
2 obsolete : a cause of overthrow or destruction
and here I was thinking it was a type of food given to women of virtue

boy is my face red!
I'm using subversive to mean 'not of the norm'.

“Sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities” --Erica Jong

Sorry it wasn't as meaningful as a 'hehe' post.