Just how many dead warriors are there on our side?


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Does anyone actually believe...

"Today two soldiers were killed" or...

"5 soldiers were injured"...

Re: I don't know how the allied forces do it..

Lost Cause said:
But this is how we do it. I do trust the numbers.

Bloody hell! That's not even a trustworthy reply...

Think on...

How many battles have we all been involved in so far? I dunno but I do know it's a fucking lot and you expect our casualties to be in the tens...

Get real...

I think it's the fog of war, and they don't count MIA as KIA unless verified.

Besides, nobody wants the public to know any bad news.

Could be about 100-150 for the US, less than 30 for the British. A few journalists have been "lost" too (1 Australian killed by a suicide bomber, 2 with the BBC who are MIA and the unit they were with has become scattered). I've read somewhere that the average deathtoll per day for the coalition is 20 or so.

On the Iraqi side, some estimates place the deathtoll anywhere around 1,000 (military), and just under 400 civilians at the lastest count.:(
Lovelynice said:
On the Iraqi side, some estimates place the deathtoll anywhere around 1,000 (military), and just under 400 civilians at the lastest count.:(
You got links for these?

I do remember that there was about 300 KIA/WIA in the Gulf war part 1
Okay these are some of the links that I've been using the most;

http://www.overthrow.com/lsn (bit dodgy, but it's mostly okay....except for the anti-jewish zionist conspiracy maniacs; they always seem to have very poor spelling)

http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq (rather untrustworthy, but sometimes they get brilliant stuff.....)

http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/Iraq/IraqCrisis.htm (very mixed with obvious propaganda from from both sides, sometimes new stuff turns up).

http://www.jamaat.org/cgi-bin/forum.pl (This is the strangest; a guy(?) with multiple IP addresses and multiple email addresses called "Legion" keeps cropping up with the most amazing info.....curtesy of Russian Military Intelligence, and god-alone-knows what else. Everyone else on the forum assumes he's a moslem, but I doubt it. There are also a couple of obvious US Psyops guys too, and they're funny). :)
Coalition losses might be as high as 17,000 if ratios are similar to WWI, WWII etc losses. Both around 1 in 15.
yayati said:
blind: open ur eyes! we are chatting about iraqis here not WW2 or German...iraqis are lilly livered cowards who give up at the first sign of danger....

coalition forces max 100 to 159 deaths...!
You've got to be kidding me.
Have you been watching the news?

This estimate was on CNN last night. It was a prediction that was based on the premise that Baghdad will be tougher to crack then first thought.

I thought you were leaving.
I don't think many of them switch sides after they're dead....so I'd say all the dead coalition soldiers are still on your side.
If you'd seen what's been shown on Japanese TV and the Japanese news media, you wouldn't be so confident of low casualties in this Gulf War II.

People in Japan are getting very worried about North Korea too....despite what's been said in the US media, we KNOW that the North Koreans have nukes, no doubt at all and their crazy leader Jong-Il is quite likely to use them; he's as nutty as a fruitcake on acid.

If the war in Iraq goes on for long, North Korea will do something to get the world's attention back on them, something very nasty so that everyone will notice. Japan and South Korea are right in the firing line.
Yeah ... ok ... I'm a H8R. You're the one who's spouting hate here. Did you see me saying anything hateful? NO!

I expect an apology.

Why don't you go over to Iraq and get me some Shish Kabobs. Then you can tell me how weak and how scared they are. Suit up boy. The US and UK need more soldiers.

If I'm not suppose to believe CNN then why fuck would I believe you? BTW Where are you getting your number from?

Buddy open your eyes. This war isn’t going to be the picnic you think.

And again, I thought you were leaving.
Blind: Just a note, pp asked about current actual figures, not predictions.

It's too early to tell for sure, you can't really expect precise reporting on figures instantly in a war situation.