Joe's In The Dem/Soc Presidential Race...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
It's official, he just announced it on television with the usual bashing and acceptance in one. Same rhetoric as the past 30 years, same old race/class hatred, environmental, and the same pathetic weaknesses of all liberals. Fucking Elmer Fudd on Prozac.

*Does all these contenders indicate a real division in the Dem/Soc party? Will they ever come up with ideas of their own? Will they ever learn to recite anything other than Marx, Mao, and Fidel? Will they ever regain the presidency in our lifetime? :D
Somebody has to accept the Mondale Mantle for this election cycle...

Libs go for looks in men, which is why Kerry will trounce 'ol Joe.
They'll pick a White Southern Candidate because that is the only way they have been able to win in recent years.

It also helps if nobody has really ever heard of them before or truly understands what they stand for.

The one thing about democratic candidates is that once they're defeated....they dissappear forever...don't know why, their party ostracizes them.

I do not think he will get the nomination. He had a shot, but now he doesnt have AlGore tagging along.
The Democratic in-fighting is very vicious and tolerates not losers of the cause. This is why I await anxiously Hillary's entry into the Presidential Race because there are elements of the Party waiting to unload her just has many Republicans have been anxious to dump Lot (and jumped at the first chance!).
Joe wont get the nomination, He is just to boring. It will go to John Edwards cause he is a pretty boy + in his news conference he told everyong how he was the peoples champion, or something equally pathetic. I love their class warfare approach, Edwards, Kerry and Lieberman......all multi-millionaires:D Fucking Clowns
Lot of Liberals, Artists and Athletes, spend their time pointing out how Jews steal from them and cheat them. Plus he wants to edit Hollywood for content.

Only one Led Zepplin was successful!

Joe to Al Qaeda......

", you quit that, okay?" "Honey, do you have anything to say to them? "No? Okay, now I mean it, you persons of middle eastern descent with a viable issue with our policies of environmentally destructive SUVs." (use Marvin the Martian voice) :D
Could you see Arafat sitting down to negotiate with Sharon and trusting a Leiberman-led government to be impartial?


If nothing else we do ignites Holy War, electing 'ol Joe could very well be the straw that breaks the camel's back ;) .
In any of the middle east relations....

They all hate the Jews, want 'em dead, and before the end of his term, we'd be on horseback. Then again, our enemies can attack us on Saturday, since Joe observes that day as sabbath.

*I'm getting Verclempted, talk among yourselves......:D