It's impossible for a woman to be involuntarily celibate (incel)

Now you're flat out lying. There was no post that you've ever made where you even addressed those links. You most certainly never proved those links were fake, nor did you even attempt to refute the fact that the people voicing those opinions claimed to be feminists.

You're a liar, Kimmy. You. Are. A. Liar. No such posts by you even exist.

Sigh. I never said the links were fake, nor that, where they claimed to be feminists, that was the case. What I meant was I've refuted whatever argument you made in whatever individual thread you created that used specific links from that list as 'evidence' to support your putative point. I should have thought, given your clear knowledge of our past interactions, that was pretty obvious.

But feel free to engage the 'liar' trope. It's about as juvenile and meaningless as the 'rage quit' one.
Sigh. I never said the links were fake, nor that, where they claimed to be feminists, that was the case. What I meant was I've refuted whatever argument you made in whatever individual thread you created that used specific links from that list as 'evidence' to support your putative point. I should have thought, given your clear knowledge of our past interactions, that was pretty obvious.

But feel free to engage the 'liar' trope. It's about as juvenile and meaningless as the 'rage quit' one.
The argument I made was that those were feminists and that they preached hatred of men. You literally could not refute that because to do so, you would have to say the links were fake. Since you never tried to say they were fake, you did not even try to refute any points I made.

Perhaps you tried to refute some point I never made, which would not be surprising given your feeble minded approach to debating, but you never once tried to refute what I said.

You cannot, will not and have never even tried to refute the fact that feminists wrote this shit:

Declaring that air conditioning is sexist
Calling for putting men in concentration camps
Calling for a curfew for men
Laughing at male victims
Cheering women for abusing men
Saying that domestic violence against men has a trivial effect on society - trivial things like battered men can't even find shelters because of feminist prejudice, see: Declaring that Men's Domestic Violence Shelters Are a Misuse of Nonprofit Funding
A plethora of Government-funded programs for women, and none for men due to the feminist belief that men just get benefits raining down on them from the Patriarchal Skies

Feminists wrote this shit, feminists did these things, and this hateful stuff is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for women's rights is "feminist stuff."

You've never, ever refuted that. You've never, ever refuted that feminists in those links did those things.

You're a fucking liar. Or you suck at reading skills. Which is it?
The argument I made was that those were feminists and that they preached hatred of men. You literally could not refute that because to do so, you would have to say the links were fake. Since you never tried to say they were fake, you did not even try to refute any points I made.

Perhaps you tried to refute some point I never made, which would not be surprising given your feeble minded approach to debating, but you never once tried to refute what I said.

You cannot, will not and have never even tried to refute the fact that feminists wrote this shit:

Declaring that air conditioning is sexist
Calling for putting men in concentration camps
Calling for a curfew for men
Laughing at male victims
Cheering women for abusing men
Saying that domestic violence against men has a trivial effect on society - trivial things like battered men can't even find shelters because of feminist prejudice, see: Declaring that Men's Domestic Violence Shelters Are a Misuse of Nonprofit Funding
A plethora of Government-funded programs for women, and none for men due to the feminist belief that men just get benefits raining down on them from the Patriarchal Skies

Feminists wrote this shit, feminists did these things, and this hateful stuff is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for women's rights is "feminist stuff."

You've never, ever refuted that. You've never, ever refuted that feminists in those links did those things.

You're a fucking liar. Or you suck at reading skills. Which is it?

I don't think I've ever argued against the notion that SOME people who identify as feminists aren't fond of men. That doesn't mean that feminism itself is anti-male - just that some people who identify as feminists are. Some sub-sets of the radical feminist approach are fairly disinclined to like men. But, as I constantly try to explain to you, and you constantly fail to comprehend, not one feminism, nor any one component of feminism, represents 'feminism' as a totality. It's just silly to over-simplify a complex and constantly developing theoretical/political position like that. 'Feminism' as a whole isn't about hating men - it's most about dismantling patriarchy. Again, you're the one whose confusing 'patriarchy' with 'men' - most feminists (although admittedly not all) recognise the two things as different. Just like 'hegemonic masculinity' and 'men' are different. I don't know why you struggle with these fairly basic ideas so much.

The fact that I identify as a feminist doesn't make me personally responsible for everything every feminist everywhere does. Just like no individual Muslim person is responsible for everything every Muslim person does everywhere. Just like you're not responsible for everything every black person does everywhere.
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I don't think I've ever argued against the notion that SOME people who identify as feminists aren't fond of men. That doesn't mean that feminism itself is anti-male - just that some people who identify as feminists are. Some sub-sets of the radical feminist approach are fairly disinclined to like men. But, as I constantly try to explain to you, and you constantly fail to comprehend, not one feminism, nor any one component of feminism, represents 'feminism' as a totality.
Aaaand you embrace the No True Scotsman fallacy like a long lost lover.

Meanwhile you failed epically to address, much less refute my point that this hateful stuff is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for women's rights is "feminist stuff."

You wrote earlier, "The important thing is that they keep doing feminist stuff - how it's identified isn't really that relevant."

The point here that you missed, is that hate-mongering is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for the rights of women. You can't act like the two aren't both aspects of feminism.

I accept and admit that shitlords like Paul Elam are a part of the men's rights movement. And I wish he'd take his narcissistic ass out to pasture. To be frank I'd rather be cornered by a thousand of you than have one Paul Elam at my side.

A movement must be judged by how they deal with their miscreants. Turning a deaf and indifferent ear to them is an indication of a corrupt movement. And my men's rights movement has become incorrigibly corrupt. As has feminism.

It's just silly to over-simplify a complex and constantly developing theoretical/political position like that. 'Feminism' as a whole isn't about hating men - it's most about dismantling patriarchy. Again, you're the one whose confusing 'patriarchy' with 'men' - most feminists (although admittedly not all) recognise the two things as different. Just like 'hegemonic masculinity' and 'men' are different. I don't know why you struggle with these fairly basic ideas so much.
Hegemonic masculinity puts all the responsibility of bad behavior on men, and denies any bad behavior by women. That's why you use the term 'masculinity'. Masculinity excludes women, by definition. There is no "hegemonic femininity" in your universe. There is no aspect of feminine behavior that is toxic in the eyes of feminism. Only masculine behavior has a toxic aspect in your eyes.

That is why no branch of feminism will never admit that things like hypergamy exists, except when they can somehow blame it on men.

You people think misandry doesn't even exist, except, again, when you can find a way to blame it on men.

All branches of feminist thinking hold that if men didn't exist, evil would not exist. That is the core of "hegemonic masculinity." You people think women only do bad things because MEN.

You people are so stupid that you forgot your own movement once said POWER DYNAMICS is the root cause of gender-related problems. That actually is more fundamental than hegemonic masculinity but you can't actually keep using the power dynamics approach because it's gender neutral. "Hegemonic masculinity" on the other hand lets you blame men while you're screeching how you're not blaming men.

News flash: people hate your movement because we all can crack a dictionary and read about what the word 'masculinity' means. And the dictionary says "possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men."

Every time you say hegemonic masculinity and then you claim it's not about men, the world knows it's "possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men" and we know you're full of shit.

People don't want to be called feminists because people don't want to tolerate your "hegemonic masculinity" bullshit.

The fact that I identify as a feminist doesn't make me personally responsible for everything every feminist everywhere does. Just like no individual Muslim person is responsible for everything every Muslim person does everywhere. Just like you're not responsible for everything every black person does everywhere.
I'm born black, I'm not born a feminist. You choose to be a feminist. Incels who aren't killing women are held responsible for the incels who are. And despite your claims that you don't have a problem with "not all men", 99% of feminists do have a problem with it. You might as well be a Trump voter saying you disagree with Trump.
Aaaand you embrace the No True Scotsman fallacy like a long lost lover.

Meanwhile you failed epically to address, much less refute my point that this hateful stuff is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for women's rights is "feminist stuff."

You wrote earlier, "The important thing is that they keep doing feminist stuff - how it's identified isn't really that relevant."

The point here that you missed, is that hate-mongering is as much a part of "feminist stuff" as fighting for the rights of women. You can't act like the two aren't both aspects of feminism.

I accept and admit that shitlords like Paul Elam are a part of the men's rights movement. And I wish he'd take his narcissistic ass out to pasture. To be frank I'd rather be cornered by a thousand of you than have one Paul Elam at my side.

A movement must be judged by how they deal with their miscreants. Turning a deaf and indifferent ear to them is an indication of a corrupt movement. And my men's rights movement has become incorrigibly corrupt. As has feminism.

Hegemonic masculinity puts all the responsibility of bad behavior on men, and denies any bad behavior by women. That's why you use the term 'masculinity'. Masculinity excludes women, by definition. There is no "hegemonic femininity" in your universe. There is no aspect of feminine behavior that is toxic in the eyes of feminism. Only masculine behavior has a toxic aspect in your eyes.

That is why no branch of feminism will never admit that things like hypergamy exists, except when they can somehow blame it on men.

You people think misandry doesn't even exist, except, again, when you can find a way to blame it on men.

All branches of feminist thinking hold that if men didn't exist, evil would not exist. That is the core of "hegemonic masculinity." You people think women only do bad things because MEN.

You people are so stupid that you forgot your own movement once said POWER DYNAMICS is the root cause of gender-related problems. That actually is more fundamental than hegemonic masculinity but you can't actually keep using the power dynamics approach because it's gender neutral. "Hegemonic masculinity" on the other hand lets you blame men while you're screeching how you're not blaming men.

News flash: people hate your movement because we all can crack a dictionary and read about what the word 'masculinity' means. And the dictionary says "possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men."

Every time you say hegemonic masculinity and then you claim it's not about men, the world knows it's "possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men" and we know you're full of shit.

People don't want to be called feminists because people don't want to tolerate your "hegemonic masculinity" bullshit.

I'm born black, I'm not born a feminist. You choose to be a feminist. Incels who aren't killing women are held responsible for the incels who are. And despite your claims that you don't have a problem with "not all men", 99% of feminists do have a problem with it. You might as well be a Trump voter saying you disagree with Trump.

I didn't say hegemonic masculinity wasn't about men - are you LYING??? What I said was 'masculinity' =/= 'men'.

Actually, there totally is such thing as hegemonic femininity.

I personally don't consider being hateful towards men just because they're men to be 'feminism' - feminism, for me, and indeed for most feminists, is about gender equality. You're always going to be able to find some people who identify as feminists who hate men, and call that 'feminism', and for them it probably IS 'feminism'. But you CHOOSE to continue to confuse that with the entire theoretical/political position, because it's impossible for you to comprehend that a theory/politics as huge as 'feminism' might have internal nuances and differences and disagreements.

And that's the last time I'm going to explain my position to you. You can continue to completely misunderstand and/or misrepresent it if you choose. You can call me a liar in the biggest, blackest typeface you can find. You can find a million cherry-picked YouTube videos to 'support' your 'argument'. You can tell me I'm 'rage quitting' (although actually I'm just going to go and make a coffee). Do whatever you want ... I really couldn't care less.
Actually, there totally is such thing as hegemonic femininity.
And among most feminists you'd be hung by your ovaries from an old growth tree for saying that. But I'll give you that one for the sheer bravery.

I personally don't consider being hateful towards men just because they're men to be 'feminism' - feminism, for me, and indeed for most feminists, is about gender equality. You're always going to be able to find some people who identify as feminists who hate men, and call that 'feminism', and for them it probably IS 'feminism'. But you CHOOSE to continue to confuse that with the entire theoretical/political position, because it's impossible for you to comprehend that a theory/politics as huge as 'feminism' might have internal nuances and differences and disagreements.
After I have told you a hundred times that black feminism is different from (and better than) mainstream feminism, you still accuse me of not seeing internal nuances and differences and disagreements in the movement.

And you get incensed at being called a liar, after outright making false accusations about me. After being specifically told that, for instance, black feminism is different from the mainstream whackjobs.

You're too egotistical to realize what a fool you keep making of yourself.

It takes one hell of a loser of a woman to not be able to get laid. These women have lost in just one generation the very traits their mothers handed down to them over the last few millions of years.
Thank God LJ showed up! I thought I was going to have bring some sense into this thread.
One day when your white masters kick your teeth in for being Asian, you'll get the point.

What white masters?

You mean the people who give me their money and welcomed me into their communities from Kentucky to Texas to NY and back to California?

It's simply not an issue....the USA just isn't as racist as you like to pretend it is.
Well, you are known out there for giving head as good as you talk it, so there is that.

So you can't back up your racist bullshit?

Imagine that....a bigot who can't support his bigotry with anything but spiteful shit talk. :rolleyes:
So you can't back up your racist bullshit?

Imagine that....a bigot who can't support his bigotry with anything but spiteful shit talk. :rolleyes:
You got spooge on your chin. On the left side. No, THAT left side.:cool:
So you can't back up your racist bullshit?

Imagine that....a bigot who can't support his bigotry with anything but spiteful shit talk. :rolleyes:

How come you never call out the bigots who attack blacks, Latinos, and Muslims on here? You stay targeting black posters who call out bigotry.

We know the answer on how so many Asians view melanin.
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How come you never call out the bigots who attack blacks, Latinos, and Muslims on here?

They aren't anywhere near as prolific as the ones attacking whites for all the worlds woes.

You stay targeting black posters who call out bigotry.

Actually a lot of them are white, but don't let that FACT disturb your racist ass diatribes.

We know the answer on how so many Asians view melanin.

1) That's borderline incomprehensible babble, you mad bro?

2) Tell us more how asians think, black woman.....:cool:
Took your ass back to this basic shit in just a couple posts......;):D

Stay a basic racist LT!!
And then you got smacked down yet again by

How come you never call out the bigots who attack blacks, Latinos, and Muslims on here? You stay targeting black posters who call out bigotry.

We know the answer on how so many Asians view melanin.
Nowisthetime busted you so hard you could feel the handcuffs. :cool: