It's happened. It's offical!

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
I'm getting old.

I looked at something on TV, and thought... Kids these days....

God, that's a wretched feeling. I'm older than my age, and can tell, because I look at single people, non parental people my age, and think of them as 'kids'.

God, I'm old before my time. :(
We're all older than someone and younger than someone else.
Why can't I be like a 21 year old single non-parent who has the money to go to the bar, and pick up guys to buy me drinks, and have a generally carefree exsistance?

-sighs- I hate feeling like I'm a parent in my late 20's or early 30's already, because, if I feel that way now, what will I feel like when I AM in my late 20's and early 30's?

God, I'll have a 12 year old, a 9 year old, and a 7 year old when I turn 30. I think, what with the age proximity, I am going to veto my 30's, so I can skip teenagers.

Yep, that's it, that's what I'll do.
J.B. said:
We're all older than someone and younger than someone else.

Some of us are just old

It is not the year of the modle it is the mileage on the odometer
I felt it last night, waiting to get into a concert, realizing that I was older than everyone, including the people handling the tickets.
ClaudiusMaximus said:
Pedantic logic buddy says: at least two people don't satisfy that statement.
Yeah, yeah. you knew what I meant.
Gilly, if seeing something on TV, and saying 'kids these days' is a marker of being old, then I've been old for years. I didn't live in the 'good old days', but I hearken back to them pretty often. I think the world today is sickening, and I wish for the values and modesty (for our children) that my parents grew up with. Children lose their innocence too fast these days.

I could go on for ages about this, but just let it be known that, in this life, I'm 21. No kids, not married.

And I'm old.
Young Lady it isn,t that age blows its more a state of mind and don,t forget you are only a young girlie with a long life and much to give and receive yet
greetings Bachlum Chaam
Gilly Bean said:
Why can't I be like a 21 year old single non-parent who has the money to go to the bar, and pick up guys to buy me drinks, and have a generally carefree exsistance?

-sighs- I hate feeling like I'm a parent in my late 20's or early 30's already, because, if I feel that way now, what will I feel like when I AM in my late 20's and early 30's?

God, I'll have a 12 year old, a 9 year old, and a 7 year old when I turn 30. I think, what with the age proximity, I am going to veto my 30's, so I can skip teenagers.

Yep, that's it, that's what I'll do.

I have 2 teenagers and no sorry you don't get to skip those oh so wonderful years! You think you are old, NOT EVEN...girl I'm 41 and a grandmother and I still fell like I'm only 21! I guess I have a different out look and take on things, but for me it just keeps getting better and better!
how do you think I feel I have a daughter in college and a son in the army
-sighs- I hope I feel that young at 41, mg! My parents were grand parents around 37-ish, I think. I can't recall how old they were when my oldest neice was born.

I definatly need an 'age' facelift.
Shit...I was in my early 30's before I had my FIRST kid!

When I go to their HS graduation, someone will say "Hey...this your grandma?"
BlueDaisy said:
And that would old?

depends on who's calendar but the youngest I could be would be
6000 years old

and I know I am older then that.......
Richard49 said:
depends on who's calendar but the youngest I could be would be
6000 years old

and I know I am older then that.......

spelling buddy says "than"