Is this how the 'gun' issue is going to play out?


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
"Choke off the money supply."

Of course letters from Rahm are seemingly nothing more than political grandstanding on his part. The problem is his longstanding ties to the current administration in DC.

So how is this choking off of the lines of credit going to be accomplished? Dodd-Frank, anyone remember Dodd-Frank? That massive piece of misbegotten legislation contains many things within it, some good, mostly haphazard and bad. But what it did do is form a virtual partnership between the government and the nations largest financial institutions.

For decades now the federal government has used the tax codes for the purposes of social engineering. And while this exerted obvious influence on both individual and corporate behavior, both parties continually adjusted to minimize the impact of the tax codes. The problem for the government was that the tax code is an open loop impact. Meaning that in the attempt to control any process there must be 'feedback', a method of closing the loop so as to be able to maximize the control.

Dodd-Frank closed the loop. The government now, in addition to being able to control via taxation, now has the ability to exert control via lines of credit. It is inevitable that as time goes by this newly minted power will be used to leverage other domestic industries subject to the whims of whatever political party hold the reins of power.

There is little probability of any truly revolutionary gun bans passing through congress, no matter the wildest dreams and fervor of those that seek a total ban. Political reality will trump dreams at every turn. But the will of congress can be circumvented via a law that they passed some years ago. The laws of unintended consequences rears it's ugly head once more.

Initially only the domestically owned firms will be effected, like those specifically mentioned in the news blurb. The foreign owned firms (Winchester, Browning, etc.) will be unaffected because their lines of credit are beyond the reach of the US administration. Of course the administration can try to use diplomatic leverage to accomplish the drying up of those lines of credit as well, but I doubt that there will be any real progress there. I just can't think of a single nation that is sucking dollars out of the US economy to the benefit of their own economy will be tripping all over themselves to succumb to the pressure, most certainly not the Chinese or Russians.

This leaves the remaining domestic manufacturers but two alternatives, sell to foreign investors or seek foreign lines of credit (or just shut down). Further eroding the domestic economy.

I'm sure a lot of you will applaud this forthcoming action, after all it's not your ox being gored. But let me remind you of the big stink regarding the Bush administrations tapping of foreign phone calls. I remember how incensed you an the left were over that administrative effort. And here we are almost 10 years later with one of your guys in the white house and he's not only NOT terminated the tapping of those calls, he's actually expanded the effort, just as I predicted back when. The same can be said of the foreign military interventions, including the prosecution of drone attacks on a non-combatant powers sovereign territory.

My point here is very simple, eventually there will be a republican/conservative in the white house again. That too is inevitable. And how are you on the left going to feel once your ox is getting gored?


My point here is very simple, eventually there will be a republican/conservative in the white house again. That too is inevitable. And how are you on the left going to feel once your ox is getting gored?


Probably like they did when Bush was in the white house, like a bunch of sour old men.
It's unlikely a conservative will be in the White House anytime in the near future. That said some of what you're blaming on Obama simply isn't his fault and the rest he should be taken to task for. Oh well. Nothing the Left has or will do is half as disgusting as what the right is actively doing.
Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177. (late 2nd Ed. Section 256):

The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and any statue, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:

The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it.

An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.

Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principals follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it . . .

A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one.

An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law.

Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby.

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.


And prepare thyself for the coming Constitutional War...
But Courts do uphold Unconstitutional laws all the time eyer and they will continue to do so until our country finally disolves.
Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177. (late 2nd Ed. Section 256):


And prepare thyself for the coming Constitutional War...

But Courts do uphold Unconstitutional laws all the time eyer and they will continue to do so until our country finally disolves.

The problem is that unless that portion of Dodd-Frank that forms the unholy alliance between the nations largest financial institutions and the government is challenged, it will remain the law of the land. And even if it is challenged I'm hard pressed right now to figure out what the constitutional line of argument would be.

Those large financial institutions aren't going to challenge the law, at least not yet. The law gives them a shared monopoly over the nations financial industry with the full backing of the government in the event they run into problems. (Dodd-Frank did nothing to solve the "to big to fail" problem.) Any challenge will be left to the smaller institutions and as I previously mentioned I have no clue as the the line of argument they will, or can, take.

Not only banks......

It's unlikely a conservative will be in the White House anytime in the near future. That said some of what you're blaming on Obama simply isn't his fault and the rest he should be taken to task for. Oh well. Nothing the Left has or will do is half as disgusting as what the right is actively doing.

I recall the Johnson landslide of 1964, and Nixons election in 1968, then Nixons landslide in 1972, and his impeachment in 1974. Things change quickly.
I recall the Johnson landslide of 1964, and Nixons election in 1968, then Nixons landslide in 1972, and his impeachment in 1974. Things change quickly.

I remember those things too, except that Nixon was not impeached. There was talk of it, and the House might have gone through with it if he hadn't resigned, but I doubt that two thirds of the Senate would have voted to convict.
I think that the Senator from California will wave the 'instruments of destruction' around the Capitol and 'force a vote' which will fail in the House and by then some other fucking bit of chaos will distract the masses from their exploitation.

Have a nice Day!:)
I recall the Johnson landslide of 1964, and Nixons election in 1968, then Nixons landslide in 1972, and his impeachment in 1974. Things change quickly.
In 1972, didn't Nixon win every State but one, and DC?

But he wasn't impeached.

He left that to Bill Clinton.
eventually there will be a republican/conservative in the white house again. That too is inevitable. And how are you on the left going to feel once your ox is getting gored?


Well then the GOP better get it's fucking shit together......Mcain/Palin then Romney/Ryan....god damn you guys pick some fucking HORRIBLE candidates.

Maybe you guys can get a candidate that says "I HATE drugs, sex, rock n' roll and anything more fucking fun for any of you!! I'm bringing the wrath of fucking god down on this nation so that JESUS will guide us to salvation!...."

and then wonder how on fucking Earth he didn't get any more than the FOX lemming base that would vote Marx if FOX told them too in the name of freedom and Jesus!!! No believe? Look at Romney...the guy is a fucking LIBERAL. And the right winger ate it up..."I'll repeal Obamacare, don't worry about my socialized medicine is ok and very conservative b/c it was state level...." :rolleyes: give me a fucking break...

Every "conservative" you guys pick is a lying 2 faced sack of shit that get's caught stepping on his own dick every time he opens his mouth...welcome to the internet age where bullshitting the press just isn't as easy as it used to be in the 1850's.

Here is an idea....maybe the GOP should nominate a conservative for once?? eh?? just a thought.....
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We have a fringe expert, so we should ask her.

Grumpy, what do you think of fringe?


I hate fringe and kill it every chance I get!!!