Is Rescuing People From Dangerous Accidents Really A Good Use of Superman’s Time?


Jan 23, 2011
Lib Tool Matthew Yglesias: Superman Is Wasting His Time Saving People, He Should Be Using His Superpowers To Generate “Pollution-Free Energy”…

Why do liberals make it so easy to make fun of them?

Is Rescuing People From Dangerous Accidents Really A Good Use of Superman’s Time? — Matthew Yglesias, Slate

I don’t want to offer spoilers for the new Superman movie, Man of Steel, but suffice it to say that for a while in the film Superman is kind of bouncing around sporadically rescuing people from random accidents. And it’s a Superman scenario we all know and love. Even when humanity’s existence isn’t being threatened by alien invaders or the latest evil Lex Luthor plot there’s always someone, somewhere who needs to be saved by a guy who can lift really heavy objects.

And yet is this a good use of Superman’s time?

What we’re talking about, essentially, is the world’s greatest solar power cell. The earth’s yellow sun gives his eyes the ability to boil water, and his arms and legs can exert enormous amounts of force. In other words, he could be rigging up a plan to generate enormous quantities of pollution-free electricity! In the longer term, I’m pretty confident that solar power technology is going to improve to the point where we don’t need Superman to play this role. But for the moment, Superman could take an enormous bite out of a world problem that’s much more significant than the occasional plane crash or factory explosion. The world needs cheaper energy and the world needs cleaner energy, and Superman could be delivering it.
We need a Super Person movie where an androgenous Super Person saves feral Democrats from critical employment evaluations, bad report cards, debt collectors, and paternity suits.
Superman is constantly rescuing Lois Lane. The whole comic book is based on that.
He's tampering with natural selection, turning us into a race of weaklings.
So Busy and Vette think that an article about the better usage of a fictional space alien super hero's powers might be serious?

We want deregulation now for super heroes! The government has no business telling super heroes how they can use their power, and more importantly how much they can charge for their power.

Superman stock goes public.. SUM 85¼ SPD 23¾ BMN 42 . . .