Is Anybody Trying the "Story Series" Beta Feature?


Mar 5, 2015
I'm having a go at collecting some of my stories into a series, but I confess I don't really have my head around it just yet. Is anybody else using this feature? If so, what are your experiences with it?
Meee! I really love being able to reorder stories in sequence without having to worry about alphabetical order, and cover art is fun. Not sure if many readers have noticed the difference tbh but I'm enjoying it.
Love it to death. Not much use for it in this pen name, but oh the trouble I save in the other two. Being able to group any stories regardless of title saves me so much time, trial, and tribulation with end notes, bio notes, and timeline emails.

You can insert new stories anywhere in the timeline. You've got that nice series blurb where you can provide even more information. And of course you've got the cover image.

Stories that you could never group under the old system are where the new one really shines.
I have had good success using a similar feature on AO3. Not sure about it here, however. The editorial environment is different from AO3 and I am questioning whether it’s really worth reordering and revising old works here when, despite all my advertising, new readers seem few and still mostly quiet on feedback. The series system wasn’t fully developed when I posted the majority of my work some years ago. I decided chronological posting order was good enough and readers could also use dates in the stories to put them in sequence if desired. Meanwhile I was frustrated by there not being enough room to give the story descriptions and titles I wanted. C’est la vie! Maybe my mind will change over time. We’ll see.
Yes. I used it to fix some duplicated, incorrectly collated series which had glitched years ago. It took a couple of goes to figure out how it worked, but I got there in the end.

In essence, I had to manually over-ride the auto-collate feature, and build two new Series, placing chapters in the correct order, with new Series Master Titles - the existing chapter titles didn't change, but the parent Series titles were new.

The images only appear on the Series summary page - you don't get much mileage from them anywhere else. I had a couple of existing book covers for some of my series, which I used (I think), but it's a lot of bother doing graphics which only end up as a thumbnail.
You had to link that one, huh? Lol.

I'm curious did you get there from my profile? From searching my username? The story? The series tab?

When I go to my profile the individual story links go to the separate parts but not the series as a whole.
There's probably a more efficient way but I googled x
How do you get to the series page like that? I haven't been able to navigate to anything but the base story without the image.

Nevermind, found it.

Is there a reason it doesn't link to the series set up from our story profiles rather than just the individual stories?
Most likely because the new bio pages aren't in place yet. Once those go live, there will probably be links to the series page included.
Yes - but only in the sense that Wile E Coyote occasionally tries to catch the Roadrunner 😬.

With you there. Very obtuse interface. I supposedly have some experience with it with two series, one with 23 stories, but damn if I wasn't struggling with it this evening adding one story to the end of a 3-story series. Went around in circles for about 15 minutes before it "took". So I don't know if I was pushing the wrong buttons, or update delays were giving me that impression.

I'm certainly glad we have it now, but it does take some getting used to.
I love it! Just for one example, my five part "Allie & Friends" series was not planned as a series, so I ended up with five stories with titles that had nothing in common and no way of letting readers know the order in which they happened, or even that they went together at all. Now they're easy to find in order.
I looked at it and was surprised to see a story listed that I had Laurel delete nearly ten tears ago.
In my early days here, as a clueless waif, I posted a story originally as a standalone, but later wrote more with these characters and their plotline. I did not have an overarcing title and did not identify them as "Pt. 01," "Pt. 02," etc. I'd like them to be shown now as a series, but I can't seem to get the series feature to recognize that this is what I want. This may take lots of detail, and I don't want to clutter this thread. If an interested party would like to help, could you please PM me? Thanks.
In case anyone else is struggling and needs a wee cheat sheet:
1.Tap on "my series"
2.Tap on "manage works"
3.Check the box next to the works you want to connect in series
4.scroll to the bottom and check the choice "create new"
5. Fill out the details and tap save. You can add cover art at this point too.

Trouble shooting:
If some works are already in a series, do the same as above except 4. Check the choice "remove". The works will then be available to add to a different series.

To change the order of works
1.Tap on "my series"
2.Tap on the gear icon next to the series you want to reorder.
3. Tap on "series works"
4. Tap on "reorder works"
5. Use the arrows to move the works up and down the ranks as needed.
I have two series on the site. I loaded covers for both series, but as of now, I can't find a series page for either.
In case anyone else is struggling and needs a wee cheat sheet:
1.Tap on "my series"
2.Tap on "manage works"
3.Check the box next to the works you want to connect in series
4.scroll to the bottom and check the choice "create new"
5. Fill out the details and tap save. You can add cover art at this point too.

Trouble shooting:
If some works are already in a series, do the same as above except 4. Check the choice "remove". The works will then be available to add to a different series.

To change the order of works
1.Tap on "my series"
2.Tap on the gear icon next to the series you want to reorder.
3. Tap on "series works"
4. Tap on "reorder works"
5. Use the arrows to move the works up and down the ranks as needed.
Ok, but is there a way to change or expand titles without waiting on moderator attention? My main problem with the series system was when I wrote my Passion series. Spoilers-

This series was a chain of connected stories about a single woman’s relationship awakenings. First chapter, she loses her virginity as per the usual guidelines. Second chapter, she loses her anal virginity and also has to face the fact that her relationship might be a one night stand due to ulterior motives from the partner (this was true in the first chapter also, but she wasn’t in sync with that lover either and she didn’t really recognize the problem). Third chapter, bisexual virginity, but same underlying themes. Then, realizing I wasn’t sure where the series needed to go next, I decided to take a hiatus. I also scrapped a chapter I didn’t like featuring the series villain.

When I came back to the series a few months later after better planning, I decided to concentrate on finishing it. First came Ch.4 which had some developments from my original plans too good to discard, adjusted per more recent plans. Then I concentrated on Ch. 5 but ended up having to write several side stories to calm myself down and fill plot holes. “Rekindled” got my FMC back together as friends with benefits with a previous one-night lover whose perspective was needed. “Busy on the Creek” awakened another character to her bisexuality so fans could speculate about her getting with the lead if they liked the idea and establish her relationship with another important character. This character’s perspective was needed for “Passion Ch. 5” too. And then I had to write “Counseling” to shut down the villain, who was screaming in my mind for her inclusion. So Ch. 5 of “Passion”- where my FMC helps the villain’s primary victims after she gets thrown out of their lives (the reasons for why that happened are revealed in “Counseling”)- takes place after all those other stories. And there’s a few more connected stories also- “Debrief” and “Running Down a Dream”. Also “Inside Out” and “The Rendezvous.” And more. All these take place before “Passion Ch. 5”. Their internal dates establish the proper chronological order.

Given that I also constantly found myself filling in gaps with other ideas, it seemed like too much effort to constantly be rearranging stories to properly address each new development. So I left it to internal dates to order things properly.

If anyone’s curious, the chain of stories reached a tentative conclusion with “Loose Ends” but the man the FMC is with at the end of that story is not her ultimate soulmate either. I know who is, but I’m not yet sure how to fully write him in. Ugh.
I have two series on the site. I loaded covers for both series, but as of now, I can't find a series page for either.

There's no link from your bio, but there is one from the stories themselves.

The stacked pages icon below opens up the series info option.


Selecting the series name takes you to the series page.

Not at this time. You have to submit it as an edit.
That’s what I figured. And even on AO3, where you don’t have to wait on moderators, the larger problem of a constantly evolving universe remains. I think I’ll just continue letting circumstances and dates within the stories vs dates of publication handle things. The fact that it’s an alternate universe version of reality can fill in other gaps. ;)
Ok, but is there a way to change or expand titles without waiting on moderator attention? My main problem with the series system was when I wrote my Passion series. Spoilers-
No. Changes go off somewhere, but I don't know if it's to a human eye check, or a wait for the next software refresh. From memory, it's a 24 hour lag, which suggests to me that changes wait for the next cycle - which, if you look at the time stamps for the automatically compiled Series, is a regular event.
Not at this time. You have to submit it as an edit.
Don't think so, unless you're changing titles.

The manual compile process does have a lag (see my previous post), but it's not the same as an edit - the update happens out of the Series menu on your CP. You don't need to submit anything as an Edit.
Don't think so, unless you're changing titles.

The manual compile process does have a lag (see my previous post), but it's not the same as an edit - the update happens out of the Series menu on your CP. You don't need to submit anything as an Edit.
As I understand it, @AchtungNight wants to change the story titles, not the series information.