Iraq Gets A New Government Tuesday..

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
It's about time the world start acting on the behalf of oppressed people, than having the U.N. exploit and maintain the status quo.
This may be the swan song in the U.N. as a world government body, and reduce it to a more benign entity for food distribution.
This will shunt the U.N.'s agenda of taking a destitute country, and teaching it socialist economy that creates a welfare state, dependent on the U.N., and redistribution of wealth.

Your opinion is welcome.

The US is ready to install the first leg of an interim government for the new Iraq as early as Tuesday, even while fighting still rages in Baghdad, officials said yesterday.

America's readiness to establish the first stages of a civil administration to run post-war Iraq comes at lightning speed and constitutes a rebuff to European ambitions to stall on the process until some kind of role for the United Nations is agreed.

It was reported yesterday that the National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice has also ruled out any key role for the UN.

The decision to proceed with an embryonic government comes in response to memoranda written by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld last week, urging that the US begin to entrench its authority in areas under its control before the war is over.

Pentagon officials told The Observer that the administration is determined to impose the Rumsfeld plan and sees no use for a UN role, describing the international body as 'irrelevant'.

The proposal is due to be discussed by George Bush and his closest security officials when he returns from this week's Northern Ireland war council with Tony Blair.

But according to US officials in Doha, elements of an embryonic new government will be established in the southern port of Umm Qasr, taken by coalition forces during the first days of the war.

It will be installed by the Pentagon's Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, under the former US army Lieutenant General Jay Garner, and answerable to the Pentagon.

'What we are going to start trying to do, even before the fighting is over in Iraq, is to move to the areas in Iraq that are relatively peaceful, places like Umm Qasr, and to start moving [the office of reconstruction] into Iraq,' the official said. 'It is a fair assessment to say that this is the first step to set up a civil administration in Iraq.'

The decision is a rebuff to European diplomats who pleaded with US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Thursday to allow for a UN role.

Rumsfeld presented two memoranda to the White House last week, urging the President to begin setting up government institutions in areas under US control. He said the new organs could install Iraqis returning from exile under the tutelage of American civilians answerable to General Garner.

But his plan has been opposed even within the administration. Colin Powell is known to favour a military government established after victory is assured, prepared to nurture an Iraqi government centred around citizens resident in Iraq.

General Garner is already set to make his media debut in Kuwait tomorrow as the man whom the US has named to be Iraq's temporary post-war civilian administrator.

The US viceroy of the Southern region will be retired General Buck Walters; one of three governors slated to minister the new Iraqi provinces.

The others are General Bruce Moore in the largely Kurdish north and former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine based in Baghdad, governing the central region.

The "government" they're bringing in comes with about 1000 exiled Iraqi troops who will be used to stop resistance in the south. I don't think the U.S. will let them do much "governing" for a while, particularly with all the disagrement about what shape that government will take.

Still, it's a great psychological ploy.
Yep, to see them parading their fake government around will sink US credibility below the water-line of even the best recovery team.

Especially when the UN denies it's existence as being legitimate, and the 1,000 quislings have to be body-guarded all the time, and can't go into any town larger than a hundred people without being shot at.

It'll be a great bit propaganda nonsense, and the USA will be the laughing stock of the world by Wednesday.
Where're they going to sit?


Nobody except people like Lost Cause actually believes this rubbish...


I think it is a fantastic idea, considering how out of touch the US government is with the Iraqi people. Forget those in exile as they themselves are out of touch with the common person in Iraq.

Let these goons have their way.

Withdraw British and Australian forces and then allow the US to do whatever it wishes. You see, maybe it is time they were on their own in these adventures without any support from the outside world.

The Iraqi people are against a US occupation. They also want free democratic elections. They will not accept outsiders returning to positions of power, so the reality is civil unrest and chaos.

Who in their right mind would want to be a part of that.

No UN. No EU. No worries. :)

All those Americans that were so fucking hell bent on this war may come to realise what they created and hoped for, may not end up the way they wanted.

There is no role for the exiled leader of the Shites based on his backing from the Iranian government, yet he represents the majority of Iraqi people, that being Shites.

There is your first hurdle.

There isn't really much else to say other than you lot sitting at home waiting for your troops to return, but many will remain there for years, and from time to time on the news you will get the report of another US soldier being killed by sniper fire, or a town somewhere in Iraq uprising against US forces being there. Then there is the Muslim world that has grown to dispise you people even more than before 9/11.

Sad people :( I mean really, after the Twin Towers came down, you think you would have read the message loud and clear. Stay the fuck out other people's business. Iraq is a measure of your capacity to dream up the possibility of a threat to your national security when it was you lot who created it to begin with, then seek it out, destroy it, then look to the rest of the world for a pat on the back. The world frowns, thinks typical warmongering petty loud mouth yankee fucking losers, and we all go back to work and hear about one of your embassy's being attacked, your planes being hijacked, your citizens being taken hostage, and people soon to be walking around their neighbourhoods carrying gas masks for the rest of their lives. :p

What a fantastic future you people have ahead of you.

Pop the champagne and thank George for me okay? ;)
What I would really like to see is the US getting out of the rest of the world's business and see what happens. Look what happened back when the US tended towards isolationism... Just take a look and see what happened. Hint: Russian-Japanesse War, WWI, WWII just to name a few. Once we get back to being isolationists I sure hope the other countries of the world don't come to us for help if they need it because this time we may not be there.

Why do you think British forces wear bullet proof vests to cover their backs as well?

Brilliant idea. :)

The US doesn't help anyone but themselves.

The sooner they stay within their own borders, the sooner their will be least carnage on a planet they have done their best within the last 50 or so years to fuck up completely.

I live for the day when you lot discover another planet out in the galaxy you can all live on. ;)
*Shrugs* The way I see it the world brought the US on itself. We got dragged in to clean up the messes after someone else started it so I am almost to the point of saying "Fuck it" lets make even more of a mess and let someone clean up after us.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
The "government" they're bringing in comes with about 1000 exiled Iraqi troops who will be used to stop resistance in the south. I don't think the U.S. will let them do much "governing" for a while, particularly with all the disagrement about what shape that government will take.

Still, it's a great psychological ploy.

It is for a beginning. Although the country will be under military rule for some time to come, it's important to begin getting Iraqi nationals involved in the formation of a new government.

As a result of Saddam's intransigence the country will have no means to defend itself (Iran may have some axes to grind), nor will their be any civilian police. Essential services will still have to be provided and the employees paid. The US and British military are the only organizations in place to ensure that order is maintained and services provided for the short term.

Watching the process will be interesting. The British basically left this mess behind, it's refreshing to see that they are participating in the cleaning up of the mess. Quite unlike the other former continental colonial powers that have generally ignored their former colonies. (The Dutch have at least tried to act in a responsible manner regarding their former colonies, so they can be excluded.)

The people they have assembled for the government are quite credible and as such, I assume the government will be credible. Look at some of the governments we still prop up.

Our military alone keeps France bragging about what an ecomomic power she is. South Korea, too. Japan used to be, but they've been showing signs of the willingness to pursue a large military again (and already broke to boot!).
And the U.S. has such a lousy history...

Of setting up governments after a war, like Japan and Germany.
Yep, they're just absolute failures, compared to the shining examples left by the U.N. in it's turds.
Some people would oppose the U.S. if we hosted a visit from outer space.


I just saw on the news that Iraq destroyed the statue of Saddam. That was fucking great to see.
Before the U.N....

People forget a little thing called The Marshall Plan, instituted by the war weary U.S. and allies, laid upon the war damaged western nations, after losing eastern europe to back room double dealing like the U.N. does today.

The Granddaddy of the E.U. (BTW-You're welcome)

A Summary of the Marshall Plan

Even now a model for positive economic diplomacy, the Marshall Plan was a rational effort by the United States aimed at reducing the hunger, homelessness, sickness, unemployment, and political restlessness of the 270 million people in sixteen nations in West Europe. Marshall Plan funds were not mainly directed toward feeding individuals or building individual houses, schools, or factories, but at strengthening the economic superstructure (particularly the iron-steel and power industries). The program cost the American taxpayers $11,820,700,000 (plus $1,505,100,000 in loans that were repaid) over four years and worked because it was aimed at aiding a well-educated, industrialized people temporarily down but not out. The Marshall Plan significantly magnified their own efforts and reduced the suffering and time West Europe took to recover from the war. The program--whose official title was "European Recovery Program"--aimed at: (1) increasing production; (2) expanding European foreign trade; (3) facilitating European economic cooperation and integration; and (4) controlling inflation, which was the program's chief failure.

The idea of massive U.S. loans to individual countries had already been tried (nearly $20 billion--mainly long-term, low interest loans--since the war’s end) and had failed to make significant headway against Europe's social and economic problems. The plan that Marshall enunciated at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, was revolutionary in that it required the recipients to organize to produce a rational, multilateral approach to their common economic problems. Another innovative feature was its limited duration: four years maximum, thereby assuring American taxpayers and their representatives that the program would not be an indefinite commitment.

Lost Cause said:

The US is ready to install the first leg of an interim government for the new Iraq as early as Tuesday, even while fighting still rages in Baghdad, officials said yesterday.

America's readiness to establish the first stages of a civil administration to run post-war Iraq comes at lightning speed and constitutes a rebuff to European ambitions to stall on the process until some kind of role for the United Nations is agreed. :D

Hi LC . . . great post pointing out that the U$-Iraq Illegal Imperialist War of Conquest to Control Undeveloped Middle East Oil Reserves has decided to follow the Vietnam model . . . a U$-sponsored puppet regime for disenchanted Iraqis to focus hatred against the U$ . . . yep!! . . . another indicator that AmeriKKKa is the world's worst rogue state and Dubyah Shrub is the world's worst terrorist . . . on a par with Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin and Pol Pot . . .

Why is it that short men start wars?? Do they have an inherent inferiority complex, or something??

The tall world leaders (which immediately excludes Dubyah Shrub) like Clinton, Eden (UK), Chirac etc are too busy building trade to worry about creating war, desolation and chaos . . . :)
]ooooo(chained) said:
The people they have assembled for the government are quite credible and as such, I assume the government will be credible. Look at some of the governments we still prop up.

Our military alone keeps France bragging about what an ecomomic power she is. South Korea, too. Japan used to be, but they've been showing signs of the willingness to pursue a large military again (and already broke to boot!).

I remain amazed that so many AmeriKKKans see the world as an image of AmeriKKKa . . . in the Middle East the important thing is family connections. This nondescript ring-in regime will fail with 1,000 or 10,000 troops . . . the Iraqi people will reject it because it is an AmeeriKKKan puppet regime . . . put in place to rip off the Iraqis in the best possible AmeriKKKan carpet-bagging tradition of the AmeriKKKan Civil War 1859-1865 . . . :)
Hey yall .. don't bother fighting the Red Dinky P_P

The bubble Triad can't be convienced .... though they do try and delute others thinking on this board

Oh yeah .... Lance too
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Free market way to prosperity....

AFP) - The Iraqi opposition plans to end the country's state monopoly on oil, opening the door to international companies to play a lead role in the industry after the fall of Saddam Hussein, a leading exile said here in a Saturday meeting. "We are going to 'demonopolise' the oil," Dara Attar, an Iraqi Kurd oil consultant told AFP after two days of meetings in London.

Next, they need to change their country's name back to it's original; Mesopotamia. (Iraq's name is only about 30 years old)

While they're at it, they can change Iran back to Persia.
(It was changed in solidarity with Nazi Germany)