Investigating a disappearance


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2002
A precocious young woman has a mentor just a few years older than herself. The young woman fancies herself as a Nancy Drew type of detective, complete with a BFF sidekick. Time passes, and the mentor turns 18 and goes off to a nearby college. Texting remains frequent between the friends, as well as visits when she comes home from college. MC turns 18, and then the texting becomes less frequent, taking on a darker hue. Mentor implies she's met some 'bad people' and she has things she needs to deal with. Finally, texting ceases.

MC investigates, along with her sidekick. She discovers that Mentor has been visiting a BDSM club, and concludes that the club is a human trafficking ring. She decides she must investigate. So her and her sidekick enter the club for 'training' as subs because...literotica. The two girls are taken by experienced Dom/Domme, trained separately, both going way way further than they ever had before. Dedicated to the cause, both endure the training heroically, changing something deep inside of them. This would be the vast bulk of the story.

As MC and sidekick get in deeper, Mentor reappears, shocked to find the two fitting in so well at the club. It is revealed that Mentor discovered her true submissive self, and found her true dom. The 'bad people' was the MC's overactive imagination warping a text, Mentor was simply embarassed at having to admit to MC that she was having the time of her life in submissive debauchery. Her dom had taken her on a wonderful trip to Europe and that's why she disappeared for awhile. Sidekick opts to stay, MC leaves, but as the weeks pass...