Intense loneliness


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
Either Guru's channeling a dead king, or we need a team of skilled psychotherapists in here stat.

Total Posts: 611

User Posts
Guru 609
loveyamon 2
LukkyKnight said:
Either Guru's channeling a dead king, or we need a team of skilled psychotherapists in here stat.

Total Posts: 611

User Posts
Guru 609
loveyamon 2

It's a long play.... I looked in there a few times for the word play between Falstaff and Prince Hal...
Very charitable view

And this is such a lovely format for enjoying plays, after all.
LOL.. I assume it really hurts no one... I personally can't wait for Henry V and the St. Crispins Day Speech...:)
sweet soft kiss said:
LOL.. I assume it really hurts no one... I personally can't wait for Henry V and the St. Crispins Day Speech...:)

Oh, I do love that part. I wonder if he'll send out PMs when he gets close to it?

Well, best of luck with it. I think it's time I grabbed a book and curled up under my blankents for awhile. Night, all. Last one up remember to hit PAUSE on Guru on the way out. ;)
Good Night to you LK.. And sleep well.;)

And i think Guru is Hanns.:eek:

And Guru is run by a puter... :eek: