i'm not quite sure...


Nov 7, 2002
Ok i've been here and posted several times and i even ventured into the SRP forum and made a post or 2 but that well was a bit of a let down. So here's my question... Does every one tease and talk about sex and that sort of thing all the time.. or is there any actual cyber/cyberish chat?
Helllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NURSE!!


(Sorry.. saw your profile.. had to say it.. )

Teasing is part of it.. but I'm sure there are a few that like cyber talk as well... And phone... And the real physical thing..
lol, Not much on my profile ..... wasnt sure what to really put where and all that so i figured i'd do all that eventually
I think you're bound to find pretty much whatever you're looking for here. Tell us what you're after.