I'm a lusty pirate!

I be a lusty wench. And look at this! I've even got rum.

*flutters eyelashes, adjusts bosom*
Minkey Boodle said:
You forgot to hoist the jib-jab.

is that what you call your tits?

put those away, that Ume wench has an adjustable bosom.
Re: Re: I'm a lusty pirate!

guilty pleasure said:
Was that you talking? Or the parrot?

there's a parrot?




uh... I mean aaaarrrrrgh!
I wanna wear breeches that button up the front and hoist the mainsail, or something like that.

I have pirate envy.
ok..first i get spanked by ruby..and now i get to be perky's wench.


heaven..i'm in heaven..
I'm spanking Ume right before I go to sleepy land. Okay, I'm spanking the monkey thinking about spanking Ume's monkey. Pirates have monkeys right?
perky_baby said:
I'm spanking Ume right before I go to sleepy land. Okay, I'm spanking the monkey thinking about spanking Ume's monkey. Pirates have monkeys right?

Parrots, monkeys, they all shit wherever they please. *shrugs*
*whispers to the guys* prepare to be boarded! :D

nuthin' like a good boardin' ya know ;)