i'm a little conflicted about posting this given harpy's current (and persistent) confusion over H2O and carbon...


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Perhaps Harpy's carbon-based water molecules can be used to produce silicon carbide microchips.
I bet Derpy is more conflicted about his confusion than you are.
Ah yes, a vanity thread. You know you've irritated someone and they can't figure out how or why when they make a vanity thread about you.

A pity bump?
Yes pity, she only waited 60 seconds before feeling the need to bump poor Butters OP....and you call yourself a Lawyer, No one else does...*chuckles*
What is the point of this thread? Is it a bad idea because of 'H20 and carbon ' or is it welcome because this way the MIC can keep playing with their micro chips ?
What is the point of this thread? Is it a bad idea because of 'H20 and carbon ' or is it welcome because this way the MIC can keep playing with their micro chips ?
a) investment in the future of technology in the USA, reducing dependence on China
b) a small amusement for myself about the ongoing 'water is made of carbon' hill harpy opted to die on
You might get more traction if you were at the same intellectual level instead of always struggling to catch up.
Don't brag, Reich. It's not like she's made a thread on the Arizona recount that never fulfilled its proclaimed hopes and dreams.

a) investment in the future of technology in the USA, reducing dependence on China
b) a small amusement for myself about the ongoing 'water is made of carbon' hill harpy opted to die on
Okay, thanks. Being self sufficient is important.
I suspect you've dropped more than one dime in the Salvation Army collection pot.:D
Yes, but I prefer giving to the food bank. I don’t like the national charities, only local, why should I subsidize the CEO’s new Mercedes every year?

If money was the answer though, you’d think they could have solved hunger in at least one small town by now.
Yes, but I prefer giving to the food bank. I don’t like the national charities, only local, why should I subsidize the CEO’s new Mercedes every year?

If money was the answer though, you’d think they could have solved hunger in at least one small town by now.
I was offering a metaphor alluding to the extreme generosity your post demonstrated toward our literary downtrodden.;)
I was offering a metaphor alluding to the extreme generosity your post demonstrated toward our literary downtrodden.;)
I know, but I have to take it to the extreme and pat myself on the back for my generosity.

Smiley face.