Ignoring Climate Change is Stupid!

According to the Republicans we should trust the oil companies.

According to the Republicans, the oil companies are far more trustworthy than the world’s scientists, and we should ignore all the research papers and facts uncovered by the world’s scientists and get all of our information on the climate, and global climate change from the oil companies instead.

I’m sorry, but why would ANYBODY take the Republicans seriously when they make these claims?

The oil companies knew DECADES ago that leaded gasoline was a potent neurotoxin and a severe threat to the health of the American people, yet they spent DECADES lying to us, telling us that fumes from burning leaded gasoline were perfectly harmless.

For more than four decades, all scientific research regarding the health implications of leaded gasoline were underwritten and controlled by the original lead cabal–Du Pont, GM and Standard Oil; such research invariably favored the industry’s pro-lead views, but was from the outset fatally flawed; independent scientists who would finally catch up with the earlier work’s infirmities and debunk them were–and continue to be–threatened and defamed by the lead interests and their hired hands.

From the very beginning, the leaders of Big Oil knew that lead was a deadly poison. The scientific data had confirmed this early on, and even employees of the oil industry died from lead poisoning. The oil CEOs could have, and should have kept lead from ever being added to the fuel that they sold, however, rather than take the responsible approach, the oil barons paid regulators, attorney generals, congressmen, senators and other government authorities to help cover up the truth about the toxic threat that their lead-based fuels posed.

Thousands of Americans died from lead poisoning every year from breathing in lead fumes from the products made by oil giants such as Dupont, GM and Standard Oil, yet scientists were harassed, intimidated and hounded if they dared speak of it. Science wasn’t as important as corporate profits. The lives of the American people weren’t as important as a corporate agenda, thus it was decided that the oil industry would have an antagonistic relationship with America’s scientists. The oil industry would do everything in its power to muddy the waters, fund pseudo-science and discredit real scientists.

Now, bearing in mind that the oil companies spent DECADES lying to us about lead poisoning and the dangers of breathing in lead fumes, and DECADES trying to harass and intimidate scientists into silence, and DECADES funding pseudo-science that was used to deceive the public, WHY would anybody believe that the oil companies are telling the truth about global climate change now?